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Self-organized criticality has been used as a justification for the claim that earthquakes are inherently unpredictable22.

Self-management Don't get hung up on whether your desk is clean or cluttered-that has nothing to do with success. 自我管理不要局限在你的办公桌是干净还是杂乱这类区区小事上--这些与成功没有多大的关系。
Self-motivated and ability to work under pressure. 能在压力下工作,并自我激励。
Self-motivated, proactive, learning attitude, willing to face high pressure. 自我驱动力强,心态积极,高度的学习意愿,愿意承受压力。
Self-motive and team work spirit. 工作上进,有团队精神。
Self-organization refers to the way of organization theory in philosophy, employed by some scholars in recent years to explain the grouping process of enterprises from the angle of philosophy. 摘要自组织是哲学关于组织理论的方法,近年来一些学者用来解释企业集团化的过程。
Self-organized criticality has been used as a justification for the claim that earthquakes are inherently unpredictable22. ‘自组成危险状态’被用来作为地震是固有无法预测的主要理由2。
Self-organizing maps are a kind of unsupervised neural network, which project high-dimensional data to lower dimensions and, at the meantime, visually uncover the similarity among the original high-dimensional data. 摘要自组映射图是一种非监督式学习类神经网路,可以将高维度资料投射到低维度空间,并以视觉化方式呈现,反映高维度资料之间的相似度。
Self-organizing maps have been successfully applied to many fields including engineering applications and business applications, such as texture identification, speech recognition, process monitoring and control, document maps, and consumers' data analysi 自组映射图应用广泛,包括工程方面及商业方面,例如图纹辨识、语音辨识、监督处理及流程控制、文件地图及消费者资料分析等。
Self-owned plant is constructed for a long-term development. The experiences of garments production keeps the company to increasee its production scale and build up a more professional coordination system. 自建厂房,立足长远发展,多年的生产服经验,不断提升形成大规模生产与专业化协作分工体系。
Self-pity is our worst enemy,and if we yield to it,we can never do any—thing wise in the world. 自怜是最坏的敌人,如果我们向它投降,将水远不会在世上做出任何智举。
Self-powered cleaning to timely cycle to blow out dust completely. 自带清灰动力,定时旋转分室喷吹,清灰彻底。

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