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Conclusion: The vascularized fibular transfer is a good method to reconstruct the forearm function with defects of bone resulting from injury or tumor.

Conclusion: The results were credible and Delphi method was an important and effective method to ascertain the enter indices of BSS. 结论:所进行的血瘀证诊断专家调查得出的结果比较可靠,专家问卷调查是一种有效的血瘀证诊断方法之一。
Conclusion: The study showed that the hyperglycemia were related with the elevation of cortical hormone, growth hotmore, glucagon, insulin. 结论:危重病患儿血糖升高与肾上腺皮质激素、生长激素、胰高血糖素、胰岛素升高有关。
Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of HuShenHuoXue recipe combined with werstern medicine treating primary nephrotic syndrome is better than pure western medicine. 结论:护肾活血方配合西药治疗原发性肾病综合征疗效优于单纯西医组。
Conclusion: The thoughts of gynecoiatry from Neijing are of great clinical value in treating gynecological diseases. 结论:《内经》妇科治疗学理论对当今临床医学具有重要的指导意义。
Conclusion: The using of high dosage should be carefull in the senile and weak paitents. 结论:药物剂量偏大,老年及体质弱的肺结核病人慎用。
Conclusion: The vascularized fibular transfer is a good method to reconstruct the forearm function with defects of bone resulting from injury or tumor. 结论:吻合血管的腓骨移植为重建前臂因骨缺损而导致的功能障碍的较好方法。
Conclusion: The “rate of serious disease”(CD Type) could be used as an adjustment value to assess the technical level of hospitals; the rate of good cases could be used as an index to evaluate the medical quality of hospitals, departments, and doctors. 结论:“危重病例率”(CD型率),可作为测评医院规模和技术水平的指标调节系数值;病例优良率可作为医院、科室、医生诊疗质量评价的一项指标应用。
Conclusion: There could be exist multiple causes of sterility; salpingitis caused by medical abortion deserves more attention; the significance of the immune factor is in need of further recognition. 结论:一对夫妇可同时有几种病因存在;药物流产引起输卵管阻塞应得到重视;应进一步认识免疫因素的重要性。
Conclusion: There is no self-interaction of hemoglobin in Pisces Cyprinus carpio and Amphibia Rana catesbeiana. 结论:鲤鱼、牛蛙的血红蛋白自身不相互作用。
Conclusion: Theses findings revealed that effective smoking prevention interventions needed to be comprehensived. 结论:中学生吸烟是一个复杂的行为,行之有效的控烟干预措施应从多方面入手。
Conclusion: This method of widening nasal valve fits to the anatomical and physiological action of nasal cavity.This operation is simple,with distin ctly operative field,less injured and less bleeding.After operation,the patients have less pains and recov 结论:手术扩大狭窄鼻瓣膜区符合鼻腔解剖和生理功能,手术操作简单,术野清晰,组织损伤小,出血少,术后反应轻,痛苦小,无手术并发症。

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