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I had enjoy philately three years ago.

I had dinner with him once and the whole night he was reading comic books. 我有次和他共进晚餐,他竟然整晚捧着本漫画看得津津有味。
I had dissolved into tears by that time. 当时我感动的流泪,但是雷根镇静的说:〝胜过得到奥斯卡奖。
I had done so in C1386 attached, and given the poem a file name F1386 that is also attached. 我已写了附呈的C1386,并给了此诗一个档案名称F1386也一并附呈。
I had done the calligraphy. All related files attached. 我已书写好了。所有相关档案均附呈。
I had drunk the water. I breathed easily. At sunrise the sand is the color of honey. 我喝了水。我痛快地呼吸着空气。沙漠在晨曦中泛出蜂蜜的光泽。
I had enjoy philately three years ago. 三年前我喜欢上了集邮.
I had enough of this kind of lifeless life. 我受够了这种枯燥的生活。
I had entered the chapel before the public worship began yesterday morning. 当昨天早上的礼拜仪式开始之前,我已经进入教堂了。
I had evaluated the price of the house when the owner came to visit last week. 上周屋主来访时,我已在评估过这间房子的价值了。
I had ever attempted to do another dream, but I fail. I finally know my dream belong to just the leaver. I also find it is painful to make dream. 我曾经试做另外一个梦,然而,我却失败了。我终于明白,我的梦只属于那个离去的人。我也发现,有梦原来是一件痛苦的事!
I had expected Seth to make some suggestions at the meeting, but he sat there the whole time as quiet as a mouse. 我本来期望塞斯会在会上提些意见,但他始终坐在那里一言未发。

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