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He spends a lot of time mowing the lawn every Sunday.

He spends a few hours in surfing on Internet. 他每天上网好几个小时。
He spends a large per centum of his income on food and drink. 他把一个很大百分比的收入花在吃喝方面。
He spends a lot of time at home, scouting teams as they come through Toyota Center. 他大部分时间都在家乡工作,研究来丰田中心作客的客队。
He spends a lot of time in his room. 他的很多时间都呆在自己的房间里。
He spends a lot of time in reading novels. 他花费大量时间读小说。
He spends a lot of time mowing the lawn every Sunday. 每个星期天他都花好多时间修剪草坪。
He spends a lot of time using computer. 他花很多时间在打电脑。
He spends all his money betting on horses. 他把所有的钱都用在赌马上.
He spends all his time gambling in the casino. 他把时间都消磨在赌场的赌博上。
He spends all his time getting and spending. 他的时间都花在赚钱和花钱上了.
He spends all his time in sport and play. 他把全部时间化在消遣和游玩上。

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