Modem studies tend to focus on the relation between the two theories on Wen and Bi, one from Wen Xin Diao Long, the other from the Six Dynasties.
故近现代以来不少专家学者对此重要问题撰文予以探讨,其中又较为集中在《文心雕龙》的“文笔”论及其与六朝时期“文笔”论之关系的研究上。 |
Modem tourism economy needs environmental system support, and a good environment is precondition for sustainable development.
摘要现代旅游经济的发展依赖于环境系统的支撑,有良好的环境作为保障才可能实现可持续发展。 |
Modem traffic, communi cation and entertainment as well as our daily life have much to do with it.
现代交通、通讯、娱乐以及我们的日常生活都与电密切相关。 |
Modems were invented to convert digital computer signals into a form that allows them to travel over the phone lines.
发明调制解调器是为了将数字计算机信号转换成一种允许它们在电话线路中传输的形式。 |
Modena hospital spokesman Alberto Greco confirmed Pavarotti was at home, but said he had no further information.
医院发言人艾伯特。格雷科证实目前帕瓦罗蒂正在家中休养,但是并没有说明帕瓦罗蒂进一步的情况。 |
Moderate Republicans joined Democrats to oppose the measure.
温和的共和党人加入民主党人一起抵制这项措施。 |
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price 2,000 gp;Weight 5 lb.
施法者等级:5。先决条件:「制造奇物」,「李欧蒙秘藏箱」。交易价格:2000金币。重量:5磅。 |
Moderate consumption of red wine or aspirin may delay the onset of age-related deafness and reduce hearing loss caused by loud noise and some antibiotics.
适量的红酒或阿斯匹林摄入可以延缓年龄相关性耳聋的发生和减少由于噪音和一些药物引致的失聪。 |
Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood.
适度的运动会促进血液循环。 |
Moderate filtering excludes most explicit images from Google Image Search results but doesn’t filter ordinary web search results.
您接受温和过滤除非你改变它. |
Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead,excessive grief the enemy to the living.
适度的悲伤是死者的权利,过度的哀恸是生者的敌人。 |