However, till 1978, the Party failed to shift the priority task to the economic construction, and the efficient cause was that the wrong judgment of the key leader in the Party Central Committee on the internal principal contradiction conflicted with the |
中文意思: 而1978年前党的工作重心未能实现向经济建设转移的直接原因,则在于当时中央领导集体的核心成员关于国内主要矛盾的错误判断与工作重点转移的正确要求是相左的。 |
However, those who developed a new cancer during the study period, as did 20 percent of the cancer survivors, worked up to 14 fewer hours per week than they had previously.
然而,研究期间罹患癌症者,与两成癌症存活患者一样,每周平均较患癌前少工作14小时。 |
However, though Asian countries may be happy to subsidise their exporters they are not so keen to offer the same subsidy to foreign banks, pension funds or hedge funds.
也许亚洲国家愿意以这样的方式补贴他们的出口业,但是他们显然不希望外国银行,退休基金甚至对冲基金也在这里分上一份。 |
However, three crazy animals are coming to warn them of the trouble.
不过三只疯狂的动物正前来警告它们这场灾难。 |
However, three days later at the Haymarket, Chicago, eight police died when a bomb was thrown.
然而,3天后在芝加哥的干草市场,8名警察死于炸弹爆炸。 |
However, tighter muscles do help to pull infatty bulges, so exercise can help to give you an improved tighterlook.
但是,紧绷的肌肉会把突出的肥肉给拉紧了,所以多做运动能让你看上去很美。 |
However, till 1978, the Party failed to shift the priority task to the economic construction, and the efficient cause was that the wrong judgment of the key leader in the Party Central Committee on the internal principal contradiction conflicted with the
而1978年前党的工作重心未能实现向经济建设转移的直接原因,则在于当时中央领导集体的核心成员关于国内主要矛盾的错误判断与工作重点转移的正确要求是相左的。 |
However, time is a luxury these days.
然而,时间是多么宝贵。 |
However, to date, there has been relatively little research conducted on an instrumental motive.
然而迄今只有相对较少的研究探讨工具性动机。 |
However, to die in such a way seems cruel to the extreme and the overriding impression left is of a merciless, greedy Jess.
但是,这样的死法却似乎是残忍到了极点,而小说给人留下的最深印象就是那个无情、贪婪的杰斯了。 |
However, to downplay the doctrine of rebirth and explain the entire import of the Dhamma as the amelioration of mental suffering through enhanced self-awareness is to deprive the Dhamma of those wider perspectives from which it derives its full breadth an
然而,对轮回学说不予重视,把佛法全义解释成仅是藉提高自我觉察以消解精神痛苦,便使它失去了那些视野更宽广的见解,佛法有赖于后者才得以保持完整的广度与深度。 |
However, to get our foot in the door, we first needed to show wide support and viability - that much was made clear at an initial meeting with the vice-chancellor in January last year.
不过艾德华说,去年一月和副校长第一次见面后,他们就发现,如果想要左右校方的决策,一定要先得到学生广泛的支持。 |