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He saves the rest money to use for future.

He saves part of salary every month. 他每个月都会把一部分薪水存起来。
He saves part of the salary each month. 他每个月都会把一部分薪水存起来。
He saves parts of his salary every month. 他每个月都会把一部分薪水存起来。
He saves parts of salary up every month. 他每个月都会把一部分薪水存起来。
He saves the ball from the audience. 他从观众席中把球救了起来。
He saves the rest money to use for future. 他把其余的钱存起来留着以后使用。
He saw Chen Yuan up ahead on the pavement and handed the torch to him. 他看到陈远在公路前方然后把火炬交给了他。
He saw a farmer whipping a water buffalo, but no matter how he whipped it, it wouldn't move. 他看到一个农夫正在鞭打一头水牛,但是不管他怎么打,牛都不肯走。
He saw a girl get on the bus. 他看见一个女孩上车了(上车的动作已经结束)。
He saw a house in the country, isolated and far away from the nearest town. 他在田野里看到一栋房子,孤零零的,离最近的城镇也很远。
He saw a hungry wolf on the prowl with his telescope. 他通过望远镜看到了一头四处觅食的饿狼。

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