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Here - take this batch of potions for your efforts. Now, I'd better get inside and see just how bad things are.

Here 's my ticket and passport. 这是我的机票护照、护照。
Here , Gao Zi Tai means a magnanimous attitude. 所以“高姿态”就是原谅、宽容别人。
Here , houses are decorated with colorful lanterns, and yuanxiao is eaten. 这时房子用各式各样的灯笼装饰起来,大家又开始吃元宵了。
Here , on the slope of a hill, stands an ancient building reputed to be the palace of their first king, Nyatri Tsanpo. 这里,有一座依山而立的古老建筑,这就是藏族的先民们为他们部落的第一代首领—聂赤赞普修建的宫殿:雍布拉康。
Here ,don't walk so quickly . 喂,别走那么快。
Here - take this batch of potions for your efforts. Now, I'd better get inside and see just how bad things are. 这里——拿走这些药水当作奖励吧。现在,我要赶快进去看看里面的情况有多糟。
Here - you keep the scroll. 给你——拿走你的卷轴。
Here America is pushing ahead fast; but it refuses to talk to Russia and others about military tricks responsible space-faring nations ought not to get up to. 美国尽管发展迅速;但它拒绝与俄罗斯及其他国家就军事手段问题进行磋商,而军事手段却是任何负责任的太空大国都不应诉诸的。
Here Arroyo, like some other psychological astrologers, links coldness, impersonality and promiscuity with being homosexual with not a shred of evidence for this connection, reinforcing the hoary, unsubstantiated old cliches and myths about gay and lesbia 在这里,阿罗约就像其他心理占星学家那样,把冷漠,无人情味和性滥交跟同性恋联系在一起,而这一联系连一丝的证据都找不到,继续强化有关男女同性恋者老掉牙,没有根据的陈腔滥调,以迎合大众对同性恋恐惧的阴影。
Here Cage will portray a New York City cop who goes on a self-destructive spree upon causing the death of his friend in a moment of cowardice. 片中凯奇是以为纽约市警察,因为过去一个不堪回首的往事参加了一个自残宴会:由于自己的一时怯懦害死了自己的朋友。
Here China has an advantage. 中国在这方面有优势。

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