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Among the recent ten years ,he almostly walked around the country.

Among the priceless jewellery on display are private gifts to the monarch from members of her family, and famous pieces such as the Cambridge Emerald Necklace, made for Queen Mary's coronation in 1911, and the Vladimir Tiara. 在展出的贵重珠宝中,有一些是女王的家族成员送给她的礼物,另外还有一些著名的珠宝,如1911年玛丽女王加冕时佩戴的剑桥绿宝石项链以及符拉基米尔钻石等。
Among the prime movers behind The Yangtse Gorges Project is Mao Zedong, who once wrote in his poem, “A huge lake arises amid mountains. 毛泽东是三峡工程的主要倡导者之一,他曾在诗中写道:“高峡出平湖”。
Among the priorities is $100 million for what is called critical support of the African Union force in Darfur. 在优先事务中10亿美元用于非洲联盟在达尔富尔的军事力量,这被称作危机支援。
Among the problems one has with real intercultural dialogue there is the one of asymmetry of the participants and of the languages themselves. 在真实的文化之间的对话中存在着各种问题,其中之一,便是参与者之间以及语言之间的不对称性。
Among the projects to come out of last year's Global Initiative is the expansion of two wellness centers at a border station in Malawi, through the joint efforts of the World Food Program (WFP) and TNT International, a global transportation company. 在去年的会议上得出的全球行动项目是在马拉维的边境站上的两个中心来的扩建,由世界粮食组织(WFP)和TNT国际——一家全球运输公司共同努力完成。
Among the recent ten years ,he almostly walked around the country. 在接下来的十年里他差不多走遍了整个国家。
Among the record-buying public, there is a genuine, almost palpable, reverence for his craft - and his knack for self-preservation. 在大众购买的唱片中,他的作品有著一种真诚且明了,得到人家尊重,而且还有自我修养的本领.
Among the remains of a scorched wagon,you find three corpses and aWand of Fire. 在一个烧焦的马车中,你发现了三具尸体和一支火权仗。
Among the results, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, all 66 entries about waist size in the sample of British literature from the 16th to the 18th centuries described the waists as small or narrow—even though there were nearly four times 分析结果刊登在英国皇家学会的论文集里,16-18世纪的英国文学作品情意绵绵的描写中,提到全身丰满的女性之处,几乎四倍于提到苗条女人之处,尽管如此,所有66篇关于腰围的文章样本里,对腰身的描述都是细或窄。
Among the rules of civility that Washington copied, another one says, Do not accept any task that you are unable to perform, but carefully keep your promises.This is telling us to take our promises seriously. 华盛顿抄录的「国民应对守则」中,还有一条﹕「不要接受任何不能做的事情;但却要小心地信守诺言。」
Among the scientific community, the Big Bang, abiogenesis, and biological evolution are generally considered to be the correct description of the origins of the universe and life on Earth. 在科学界中,宇宙大爆炸、自然发生和生物学进化通常被认为是宇宙和地球生命正确的描述。

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