GameSpot: Tell us about China as a faction, and its unique abilities and characteristics.
请您给我们介绍一下中国文明的内容,和它的独特能力和特性。 |
GameSpot: What is the Stetchkov Syndicate, and what role does it play in the expansion?
斯特基夫集团是什么,在游戏里扮演什么样的角色? |
GameSpy: And finally, in the final game, which sounds or music are you most proud of? What will really stick out in peoples' minds when they think of Age III?
最后,在完成的游戏中,哪些音效或音乐是你最自豪的?当人们忆起到帝国时代3时哪些是从他们的脑海里最先蹦出来的? |
GameSpy: During the single-player game, the music changes over time, eventually building up to a full score. Can you talk a little about that?
在单人游戏中,音乐在随着时间改变着,最后达到配乐的高潮.你可以谈点这些么? |
GameSpy: In a recent magazine article, you mentioned a new feature where the computer would register panic or multiple clicks on a particular unit and take that into account when determining attacks.
在最近的杂志文章,你题到一个新特性,电脑会在进攻的时候考虑到紧急程度或者说是点击次数。 |
GameSpy: Let's talk about sound effects!
让我们谈谈音响效果! |
GameSpy: Tell us about the experimentalmega units in the game.
告诉我们游戏中的大型试验单位。 |
GameSpy: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us!
感谢抽出时间和我们谈话! |
GameSpy: Will you use those actual recordings of cannonfire and musketfire in the game, or do you start from scratch when creating the sounds?
你在游戏里使用了现实世界中的火炮、火枪开火声或者是通过混音来创造他们? |
GameSpy: You've unveiled three tile sets for the new game: tundra, redrock, and swamp.
你已经展示了三种地形,冻土,火星地表,沼泽。 |
Gamecloud - What can you tell us about the game's graphical features?
关于游戏的图形特性你有什么可说的? |