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Who was inspired to revive the Olympic Games of Greek antiquity?

Who was at the wheel when the car crashed? 汽车碰撞时开车的是谁?
Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. 13我从前是亵渎神的,逼迫人的,悔慢人的。然而我还蒙了怜悯,因我是不信不明白的时候而作的。
Who was behind the wheel at the time of the accident? 事故发生时,谁坐在驾驶席上?
Who was flying patrol with Kara Thrace the first time she dove into the strange storm in Maelstrom? 在漩涡一集中,卡拉瑟瑞斯第一次俯冲入那个奇怪的风暴时,谁和她一起巡逻?
Who was he? He was Dr. Martin Luther King. 他是谁?他就是马丁.路德.金。
Who was inspired to revive the Olympic Games of Greek antiquity? 谁得到灵感使古希腊奥运会复苏?
Who was issued by MOC on March 31,1998, based on the joint investment of China Shipping(Group)Company and China Shipping Agency Co.,Ltd., affiliated to China Shipping(Group) specializing in shipping agency business for foreign and domestic trade vessels. 1998年3月31日经交通部批准,由中国海运(集团)总公司和中海船务代理有限公司共同出资组建的从事船舶、货运代理业务的专业公司,于1998年5月1日正式营业。
Who was it / were they invented by? 它(它们)是由谁发明的?
Who was it who told me, never plan on a fair flight? 谁告诉我他是谁,从未计划一个公平的战斗?
Who was not seized with grief and sadness in strolling though the Lombard-Austrian market, which was crammed with lovely naked and veiled slave figures in marble? 漫步在漂亮的裸体或者蒙面的大理石奴隶雕像的伦巴第——奥地利市场上,有谁的心里不是充塞着伤心和悲哀?
Who was on your bedroom wall when you were a kid? 当你还是个孩子时,你的卧室墙上都贴些什么?

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