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After the work I also similarly am the hospital backbone strength, I win the entire hospital first award in eight glory eight shame oratorical contest, has obtains whole city first!

After the war, painting would offer deep solace when, in 1921, the death of the mother was followed two months later by the loss of his and Clementine's beloved three-year-old daughter, Marigold. 战后,在1921年,母亲刚去世两个月,他和克莱门廷就失去了他们深爱着的三岁女儿玛丽戈尔德,这时作画给了他一些安慰。
After the war,the country experienced social and economic unrest and suffered from the Great Depression of the 1930s. 战后国家经历了社会和经济的动荡,遭受了30年代大萧条的苦难。
After the washer finished the work, she found she hadn't filled the washer with water. 比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中放水。
After the way she treated me, I didn't feel disposed to help her. 既然她这样对我,我就不怎麽有意帮助她了。
After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil, so as to enrich it. 小麦收割完成后,农夫们把剩余物烧掉,然后用犁把灰埋入地里,使土地更肥沃。
After the work I also similarly am the hospital backbone strength, I win the entire hospital first award in eight glory eight shame oratorical contest, has obtains whole city first! 我的理想是要取得护理硕士学位,然后创业或者继续考博!现在我正朝着这个方向努力,我的左右铭是:努力与成功成正比!
After the work was done, se sat down to sum up experience. 做完工作,我们坐下来总结经验。
After the works of the waterproof layer is finished, check to ensure there is no abnormality before laying Beipeng Extruded Board. 防水层施工完后对防水层做检查确认无异后,才可以铺设北鹏挤塑板。
After the world championships, I will leave for Lithuanian for some time. 有球迷关心世锦赛结束后,我是否会离开中国。
After the “Extravaganza Shanghai 2005” and “Top Marques Shanghai” were successfully hosted in Shanghai, being as the biggest consumption city as well as China's political, economical and cultural centre, Beijing will host the First International Luxurious 继2005年上海成功举办“上海国际品味生活展”和“上海国际顶级私人物品展”之后,作为第一大消费城市、也是中国政治、经济和文化中心北京,也将首度举办规模宏大的奢侈品展览会。
After theanalyzing and the researching, the program of developing the deadening composites was worked out; the basic principle of noise-deadening is expanded; the development of the lead fiber and its composites are introduced, and the tests and the analy 摘要通过分析和研究,探索出开发防噪复合材料的工艺方案;阐述了减振防噪的基本原理;对铅纤维及复合材料的研制和开发做了介绍,并对所研制的材料进行了试验分析。

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