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Back first, when in doubt get out.

Back at the office, the father orders the paper retyped and reproduced in quintuplicate, and then sent to another man for comparison with paper that was reproduced in triplicate last year. 回到办公室后,父亲命人将文件重新打印,并复印五份,然后送给另一个人,要求他拿去与去年复印了一式三份的那份文件进行比较。
Back at the tourist center in Tysfjord I talked to the Dutchman instrumentalist. 回到提斯峡湾的旅游服务中心,我和那个荷兰的「乐手」聊了一下。
Back away from idle threats. 不要受到愚蠢的威胁。
Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. 你下楼,然后发现你的女儿正哭著吃早餐并赶著回校。
Back each adjuster out one-half of its full range-for example, if you have 12 clicks of range, set the adjuster to six clicks out. 然后回转调节器到整个调节范围的一半的位置,例如,如果你车调节器有12级的调节范围,设定它到第六级。
Back first, when in doubt get out. 先倒车,如果有怀疑要停车出来查看。
Back from abroad, the couple decided to settle down in Nanning. 从国外回来以后,夫妇俩决定在南宁定居。
Back gauge adopts power fast,easy operation ad reliable length with counter displaying in the front. 机动后挡料装置,调整迅速,数值在前面显示,操作方便,定尺直观可靠。
Back home, the letters stopped a few days before June 6, and when correspondence did not start again soon after the sixth, families agonized over the lack of news. 在家庭方面,通信往来在6月6日前的几天突然中止了,当6日后不久通信还没有重新开始的时候,许多家庭因为得不到前线的消息而坐立不安。
Back home, the neighbor asked his wife to help him solve the riddle. 回家后,农夫邻居要他的妻子,帮助他解答这些难题。
Back in 1784, American merchant ship the Empress of Chinacame a long way to China. 一七八四年,美国商船“中国皇后号”远航到中国。

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