Griffin: They come, your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own.
狮鹫:他们来了,陛下。人数众多,武器精良。 |
Gril the marinaded chicken tights with butter till it cooked. Take it out for later use.
调味好的鸡腿放入热锅中煎熟.捞起备用. |
Grilled duck breast flavored with duck gravy and brandy, And apple gratin as the side dish.
八分熟的炭烤鸭胸以鸭骨熬煮的肉汁与白兰地佐味,搭配丁香焗烤苹果片的香甜。 |
Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish.
烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。 |
Grilling meat can create a variety of cancer-causing chemicals.
烤肉能够产生很多种致癌物质。 |
Grim Reach cuts down time you would otherwise spend running towards people.
无情延伸可以减少你冲向敌人的时间。 |
Grim news is reported this holiday.
坏消息也在这个假日传出。 |
Grimm Great heroes?What's with him? He's like a completely different man.
“勇士”?他怎么了?说话好像变了个人似的。 |
Grimm How can a submarine that large even exist?!
这样大的一艘潜水舰怎么还可以生存?!! |
Grimm The radio's picking up the enemy's voice!
无线电里出现敌人的声音! |
Grimm The sky just lit up!
天空闪着一道亮光! |