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Suckah: Calm down! Calm down!

Such, at least, is the theory. 至少理论上是如此。
Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life. 试译:这样便形成了如此的局面:左边是愤怒的批判者,右边是愚蠢的支持者,而中间,就像平常一样,多数充满热情的人正在努力寻求发迹。
Suchow creek. Traffic jam. During the last days of the Kuomintang. 国民党政府执政的最后几天中,苏州河航道拥堵。
Suchwarrants are generally considered worthless unless they still enjoy along expiry period or life span. 认股权证通常被认为毫无价值的,除非他们仍然有着很长的有效期或寿命.
Suck on the tube to draw up the water. 用管子把水吸上来.
Suckah: Calm down! Calm down! 阿摩林:慢慢嗷!慢慢嗷!
Suckah: Don't go without me! I am Mr. Shanghai! 阿摩林:离了我不行呀!我是老上海!
Suckah: Here is a living immortal, no matter what you ask him he can answer. 阿摩林:这是活神仙无论问什么他都能算出来。
Suckah: How about we go get money and leave him here as collateral? 阿摩林:我们出去取钱把他放在这里押着成吗!
Suckah: She is a lady* maybe she will be our leading lady? 阿摩林:那是小大姐那能做女主角呀?
Suckah: This is a whole new world. We can start a new life here. 阿摩林:这是另一个世界我们可以从这里找生活。

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