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The eagle's egg hatched along with the other eggs in the prairie chicken's nest, and the little eaglet grew up with the other baby birds.

The eagle of the Broken Covenant shall paint it with gold and will rejoice in her third nesting. 毁坏盟约的鹰会用金涂上油漆,会在她的三分之一嵌套内感到高兴。
The eagle poised in mid-air ready to swoop on its prey. 那鹰在半空中盘旋准备扑向猎物.
The eagle replied, I eat meat. 老鹰答:“我想吃肉。”
The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip. 鹰将捕获物紧紧抓住.
The eagle unfolded its wings. 雄鹰展开双翅。
The eagle's egg hatched along with the other eggs in the prairie chicken's nest, and the little eaglet grew up with the other baby birds. 这只鹰蛋和其他许多松鸡蛋一起在松鸡窝里被孵化出来,小鹰和松鸡们一起长大了。
The eagle's large wings enable it to fly very fast. 鹰的巨大翅膀使它能飞得很快。
The eagles on our soccer team show that our team is great .We are the magic eagle team! 这小小的风筝里,有我们的梦,明天,它将带着我们的梦想与憧憬飞向蓝天。
The eagles who flapped their mighty pinions for a while came crashing heavily to earth. 鼓动有力的翅膀的雄鹰有时尚会重重地跌到地面上,它们呼呼振动翅膀的声音使我们头晕眼花。
The ear has the capability of distinguishing pitches. 耳朵有区别音高的能力。
The ear is a complex structure with its unique anatomy. 摘要耳朵是一个很特殊的解剖构造。

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