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After modifying the data, you can save the changes by clicking on the floppy disk image to the left of each record, or you can click on the Save button on the top of the list (this button saves all changes).

After microspore mitosis, calcium precipitates appeared in the big vacuole of 2-cellular pollen, and then the vacuole disappeared. 在小孢子分裂形成二胞花粉后,在二胞花粉的大液泡中又特异性地出现许多细小钙颗粒。
After military forces used the wettable powder to aerially bomb mosquitoes in the malaria-ridden Pacific theater during World War II, public health authorities took the lead. 第二次世界大战期间,太平洋战区疟疾肆虐,最先是军队从空中喷灑与水混合的药粉,轰炸蚊子,之后由公卫主管机关接手负责。
After missing out on Matsuzaka, the Yankees won the rights to Igawa with a posting bid of more than $26 million, then signed the southpaw to a five-year, $20 million deal, adding depth to the rotation. 在竞标松坂大辅失败之后,洋基队以2600万美金竞标赢得井川庆的独家议约权,这名左投手签下五年2000万美金的合约,补强了先发轮值的战力。
After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital, he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses. 他没能参加他们10岁女儿的舞蹈演出会,第二天,他带着一束玫瑰来看她们。
After modifying a record you may save it by clicking on the floppy disk image on the left side of each record. 在修改完一条记录后,你可以通过点击每条记录左侧的软驱图形来保存记录。
After modifying the data, you can save the changes by clicking on the floppy disk image to the left of each record, or you can click on the Save button on the top of the list (this button saves all changes). 修改完数据之后,你可以点击记录左边的软驱图像来保存你已经更改的记录,或者点击列表顶端的保存按钮来储存(这个按钮将保存所有的更改信息)。
After molding, products are folded into square type, arranged vertically and output in line. 产品成型后折成方片状垂直排片整列输出。
After monitoring analysis of soil temperature beneath the block-stone embankment of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, it can be concluded that the block-stone embankment is working positively for cooling the roadbed and making the great rise of permafrost table, but 通过对青藏铁路沿线块石路基下部土体温度监测分析,块石路基正在积极地发挥冷却路基的工程效应,极大地促进了多年冻土上限的抬升,但也引起了多年冻土温度升高。
After months of anticipation, the Beijing CD Jazz Club is open again! 等了好几个月,总算等到了这一天:北京CD爵士俱乐部又开业了!
After months of delays we are finally ready to begin our search for interstellar particles of dust trapped in the aerogel collector from NASA's Stardust mission! 在数个月的延迟后我们终于准备好开始搜寻气凝胶中的尘粒了!
After months of digging,they found very little gold. 经过好几个月后的挖掘,他们发现很少的金子。

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