Leader provides Debt Management, Property Trust, Property Appraisal, and Other Financial Advisory Services.
目前服务的客户为国内、外知名企业,涵盖银行、保险、汽车及资产管理等主要金融产业。 |
Leaders also know that appearance and manners count. They are usually pleasant to be with; their speech is polished, their demeanor unruffled and assured.
领导人物也知道外表和举止很重要.他们常常是和蔼可亲,谈吐文雅,举止稳重,信心十足. |
Leaders and other important people are often buried in giant tombs.
领袖们及其他大人物常被埋葬在大陵墓。 |
Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than conformity. And they strive to achieve consensus out of conflict.
领导者是能随机应变的,而不是信奉教条主义的。他们坚信和谐一致而不是循规蹈矩。他们竭力在分歧间达成一致。 |
Leaders can't even be sure how much municipalities are spending because local finances have become so murky.
他们甚至还不能确定有地方政府的收支状况,因为地方财政很不透明。 |
Leaders control food. If the dog gets to eat anytime he likes, he's the leader-he is The Alpha. No self-feeding.
控制食物的才是老大!”如果狗狗在任何时间如果想吃就吃得到,那麽可以控制食物的错觉会让牠误以为自己就是老大.所以,绝不让狗狗能自由取用食物! |
Leaders don't force other people to go along with them.
领导者并不强迫其他人与他达成共见。 |
Leaders in Gaza say the release are showing a “new era” of law and order, saying they are now going after vigilante gunmen.
加沙领导人称释放囚犯标志着法律和秩序迎来了“新纪元”,还称他们目前正在追捕持枪分子。 |
Leaders in Gaza say the release ushers in a new era of law and order, saying they'll now go after vigilante gunmen.
加沙的领导人称这次释放开始了法律秩序的新纪元,说他们现在将追查暴徒。 |
Leaders of 16 Pacific Island nations are gathering in Fiji today for what's shaping up as one of the most acrimonious meetings in many years.
多年来,太平洋群岛论坛已演变成国际上争论最激烈的会议之一。今天,十六个太平洋岛国家的领导人在斐济参加了这一会议。 |
Leaders of domestic and overseas industrial associations, procurement groups and chain stores are invited to the event, and contacts between buyers and sellers, information release and cooperation opportunities will be arranged for participants to seek bu
将全力邀请海内外相关专业买家、行业协会、国际采购集团和大型连锁零售企业到会,安排配对洽谈服务,即时发布到会买家采购信息,创造有效的合作机会。 |