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However, Drogba, who was involved in a handball controversy in last weekend's defeat to Fulham, felt little sympathy.

However, Darren's delight was tainted slightly by a yellow card, which led to Walter Smith withdrawing him at half-time when the Scots were 5-0 up. 唯一不完美的是领到了一张黄牌,主教练沃尔特.史密斯在苏格兰5:0领先后将其替换下场。
However, Doctor Zachary Smith, an agent for an enemy government is sent to sabotage the mission. 他们被迫降落在不知名的星球上,一个地图上找不到的地方。
However, Don Fabio made his thoughts on the matter amply clear. 但是皇马主教练卡佩罗明确的回击了这些批评。
However, Dorothy fails to ascend in the balloon at the last minute, leaving the Wizard to sail up and fly away without her. 可是在最后一分钟,多萝西却没能登上气球,魔法师独自腾空飞去。
However, Drogba put up for television interviews and he praised the side for their second victory at Stamford Bridge in four days after the midweek FA Cup quarter-final victory over Newcastle. 然而,德罗巴接受电视采访,他称赞了自己的队伍四天内主场的两连胜,之前足总杯1/4决赛淘汰纽卡。
However, Drogba, who was involved in a handball controversy in last weekend's defeat to Fulham, felt little sympathy. 然而上周末败给富勒姆便卷入手球之争的德罗巴却不见同情。
However, Ecuador preserved their strength for the knockout stage , keeping their two star strikers Agustin Delgado and Carlos Tenorio on the bench. 不知道厄瓜多尔这一招是不是就是为了对阵英格兰而保存实力,不过,从结果来看,显然收效不大。
However, Einstein reasoned that it should take longer for the planets farthest from the sun to find out what happened, so the closet planets should fly out of orbit first. 可是,爱因斯坦以详细的理由说明离太阳越远的行星会越迟知道太阳消失了,所以较近的行星会先飞离轨道。
However, Emma included the psychiatrist in the imagined plot and did not tell him about her voices. 然而,爱玛认定精神病医生也是想象中的阴谋的参与者,拒不告诉他她所听到的声音。
However, England's confirmed absence from next year's Games has opened up a window of opportunity for both Portugal and Italy, who were eliminated at the group stage. 但由于英格兰证实不会参加明年的奥运会,所以给了葡萄牙和意大利一个机会,这两队在小组赛中被淘汰。
However, Eriksson insists he has no plans to sign the duo who served him so well during his time in charge of England. 然而,埃里克森强调他没有计划过签下他在英格兰主帅位置上时的两名爱将。

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