Sotheby's and Christie's, the biggest fine-art auction houses, sold $190m of Asian contemporary art, most of it Chinese, in 2006, up from $22m just two years before. |
中文意思: 苏富比和佳士得(又名克里斯蒂),世界上最大的两家艺术品拍卖行,相比两年前的2千2百万美元,在2006年出手价值1亿9千万美元的亚洲当代艺术品,这其中大部分来自中国。 |
Sorting through their possessions, they came up with some 1,500 old, unwanted items - all sorts of things they wanted to get rid of.
在整理东西的时候,他们发现大约有1500件旧的、不需要的东西——这些东西都是他们想处理掉的。 |
Sorting: You can sort the list by each of the above four fields by clicking on any of the above headers.
排序:你可以使用以上四种方式中的任意一种来排列会员名单。 |
Sorts and distributes incoming mail. Prepare outgoing mail and maintains postage records.
公司信函邮寄、传真收发并做邮件记录。 |
Sorts input and sends it to the screen or to a file.
把输入的信息排序并把它送到显示屏上(显示)或送到一个文件中。 |
Sosha is a .NET/C# program that tracks changes in files across any number of directories and saves a backup copy whenever they are changed.
是一个.NET/C#程序,它可以跟踪任意数量的目录中文件的变化,并在发生变化时保存它们。 |
Sotheby's and Christie's, the biggest fine-art auction houses, sold $190m of Asian contemporary art, most of it Chinese, in 2006, up from $22m just two years before.
苏富比和佳士得(又名克里斯蒂),世界上最大的两家艺术品拍卖行,相比两年前的2千2百万美元,在2006年出手价值1亿9千万美元的亚洲当代艺术品,这其中大部分来自中国。 |
Sotheby's expects its two main evening sales in New York in May to fetch from $416 million to over $561 million US dollars.
苏富比拍卖行期待五月纽约两个主要的拍卖品,要卖到4亿1千6百到5亿6千1百万美元之间。 |
Sou-Sen Leu and Ho-Chien Liu (1996,9),Computer-aided Generation System of Quality Specifications for Construction Projects, The Organization and management of Construction, 8th International Symposium, CIB, Scotland, 1996.
吕守升,刘合琛(1995,9),电脑辅助营建工程品质规範自动产生系统,品质管理学会八十四年研讨会论文集,中华民国品质管理学会。 |
Soul Feeder : All feeder weapons have a special ability that functions on scoring a successful critical hit.
吸魂:造成重击时吸魂武器的特殊能力生效。 |
Soul Gem So+Ul Increases the levels of lightspells.
心灵增加光明魔法等级。 |
Soul Leech – Now returns 20% of damage as health.
灵魂榨取-20%伤害回复生命。 |