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Although the number of categories and special awards is known prior to the ceremony, the possibility of multiple recipients sharing the prize in some categories makes the exact number of Oscar statuettes awarded unpredictable.

Although the new stents are designed to be safer and more effective, industry analysts don't expect a quick turnaround. 尽管新支架被设计得更加安全、有效,行业分析师们认为市场不会很快回升。
Although the next solar eclipse will occur this October, astronomers say the next uniquely hybrid eclipse will not occur again until 2023. 虽然今年十月还会出现下一个日蚀,但天文学家说,这种独特的混合日蚀要等到2023年才会再出现。
Although the notebook PC could be used as the main device of mobile office because of its strong information processing capability, its portability and communication capability(The telephone line or network like could be used here, but that will diminish 但利用笔记本电脑作为移动办公的载体虽然有信息处理能力强的优点,但由于携带不方便,通讯能力较弱(或者利用电话线或网线,这样如同没有移动性)。
Although the number may seem small, the scramble to recruit and train these teachers for the start of this school year underscores the urgency the Bush administration is placing on establishing Chinese programs in U.S. classrooms. 虽然人数有限,这个学年快开学,争相延揽及培训这批教师,凸显布希政府在美国教室普及中文课程的紧迫感。
Although the number of TB cases is still rising (up by 70,000 between 2004 and 2005), the rate of illness (ie, the number of cases per head of population) seems to have stabilised; the caseload, in other words, is growing only because the population itsel 虽然肺结核病的数量仍然在不断增加(2004到2005年之间增加了70,000),但发病率(病人占所有人口的比率)似乎已稳定下来;换句话说,病例的不停地增加只是因为人口在不断地增长。
Although the number of categories and special awards is known prior to the ceremony, the possibility of multiple recipients sharing the prize in some categories makes the exact number of Oscar statuettes awarded unpredictable. 虽然在典礼之前就已经知道了类别奖和特别奖的数目,但在某些类别中出现共同获奖的可能性使得奥斯卡小雕像的确切数字无法预测。
Although the numbers have bobbed around since then, most still disapprove. 此后,尽管这一数字有些波动,但多数人依然持反对态度。
Although the numbers will vary slightly depending on detonation depth, geology and weapon details, the basic results will be similar. 虽然数字可能依引爆深度、地质和核弹细节而略有不同,但基本结果将大致相同。
Although the opening day for a local ski resort it's still two months away, operators say early snow is always welcomed. 虽然离当地滑雪场开幕还有2个月的时间,但是经营者说早雪还是很受欢迎的。
Although the opening of the west made beef king, the colonial mania for bacon and eggs persists even after the settling of the west and the end of the frontier. 尽管美国西部的开发使得牛肉成为美国人的主要肉食,但是殖民时期人们对熏肉和鸡蛋的狂热在西进运动结束以后仍然得以保留。
Although the origi of taekwondo date back thousands of years, the triathlon dates back to 1978. 跆拳道的起源可追溯到几千年以前,而铁人三项在1978年才诞生。

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