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His most successful Broadway musical was Annie, Get Your Gun in 1946.

His most moving experiences occurred the following day in a grim slum outside Ujjain, where Smarge participated in his first NID. 隔天他前往乌迦因市郊一处破落的贫民窟参与他毕生第一次的全国免疫日,在此感受到最令他感动的经验。
His most recent books include Return to the City of White Donkeys and Memoir of the Hawk. 最新出版的诗集为《回到白驴的城市》和《秃鹰回忆录》。
His most recent honor was a Health Forum Cardiovascular Health Fellowship for 2000–2001. 他最近荣获2000~2001健康论坛的心血管健康研究奖助。
His most recognized work is his essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. 他最著名的作品是《新教伦理与资本主义精神》。
His most striking accomplishment of all has been selling himself to an electorate grown weary of conventional politics and yet ill at ease with that undefined change Carter promised. 他最令人瞩目的成就是争取到了一批厌倦了传统政治的选民,这些选民对卡特许诺的不甚明朗的变革充满疑虑。
His most successful Broadway musical was Annie, Get Your Gun in 1946. 他最成功的百老汇音乐剧是1946年的《安妮,拿着你的枪》。
His mother . . . endeavored to rouse him from this passive state (Washington Irving). “他的母亲…试图使他从消极的状态中振作起来”(华盛顿·欧文)。
His mother Maya, died, on the seventh day after her delivery and Maya's sister, Mahapajapati became the step mother of Siddhattha. 他的母亲摩耶夫人,在他出生后第七天就死去,摩耶的妹妹摩诃翥波提成为悉达多的继母。
His mother always wakes him up at six every morning. 他妈妈总是在早晨六点钟叫醒他。
His mother bought him a set of novels of Dickens. 他母亲给他买了一套狄更斯的小说。
His mother desired him to be a teacher. 他母亲希望他当老师。

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