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The thermophysical properties of Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) are basis of R&D in the NGH technology.

The thermometer read70 degrees. 温度表上显示出的是70度。
The thermometer reads 27 degrees. 温度计的读数是27度。
The thermometer recorded 40C. 温度计上显示出40C.
The thermometer registered 32C. 温度计显示的读数为32C.
The thermometry principle and application of infrared thermometer are analyzed, and the comparison of the performance between pyrophotometer and infrared thermometer is made. 摘要分析了红外测温仪的测温原理和应用,比较了光学高温计和红外测温仪的性能。
The thermophysical properties of Natural Gas Hydrate (NGH) are basis of R&D in the NGH technology. 摘要天然气水合物的热物理性质是研究和发展天然气水合物技术的基础。
The thermosonic method is a new nondestructive testing technology. 热超声是一种新型的无损检测技术。
The thermostat is based on the fact that different metals have different coefficients of expansion. 恒温器是以不同的金属有不同的膨胀系数这一事实为根据的。
The thesis also holds that there exist three prominent problems during this reform as follows: it doubts, firstly, whether this reform is of real merger or not; secondly, whether this reform lacks in the legal foundation of Market Economy; and thirdly, wh 论文也认为,这次中国广电业的改革,还存在着十分突出的三大问题:首先,这场改革是否真正成为了大整合;其次,这次改革是否缺乏市场经济的法制基础;第三,这次改革采用的治理结构是否得当。
The thesis analyzed the current situation of Sanjiang Plain in Heilongjiang: area of wetland is decresing, the fuction of it is degenerating; the problems of loss of water and erosion of soil are important, natural calamity are often happened; deversity o 摘要本文分析了黑龙江三江平原湿地的现状:湿地面积减少,功能退化;水土流失严重,旱涝灾害频发;生物多样性降低。
The thesis analyzes the effect of the increase of mining depth on the floor heave, discusses the laws that gravity stress, tectonic stress, the strength of surrounding rock, terrestrial heat and imbibition water change with the increase of mining depth. 分析了采深对巷道底鼓的影响,以及自重应力、构造应力、围岩强度、地温、水随开采深度变化的规律。

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