A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.
男人只是隐隐约约知道房子里还住着一些小矮人。 |
A man is walking down the beach and comes across an old bottle. He picks it up, pulls out the cork and out pops a genie.
一个男人正沿着海滩走着,这时漂来一只破旧的瓶子.他把它拣起来,拔出塞子,这时砰的一声出现了一只妖怪. |
A man is weal or woe as he thinks himself so.
一个人命运好坏,全看自己如何想. |
A man joined to a woman in marriage; a male spouse.
丈夫在婚姻中与女性结合的男子;男性配偶 |
A man lacking courage and other qualities deemed manly.
软弱的男子,懦夫缺乏勇气和其它所谓男人品质的男人 |
A man like Matthew that's had to do with boats all his life doesn't need advice from you.
像马修那样一辈子跟船打交道的人,用不着你出主意。 |
A man loses his illusions first, his teeth second, and his follies last.
人会首称丧失其幻想、继而失其牙齿、最后才失掉愚行。 |
A man loses his sense of direction after four drinks; a woman loses hers after four kisses.
男人在喝下四杯酒后,丧失他的方向感;女人丧失方向感,在四个吻之后。 |
A man may accumulate wisdom and knowledge but it all disappears when he dies.
一个人可以积累智慧和知识但当他死时一切都会消失。 |
A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet get hardly any benefit or relief.
一个人可能会获得与其日常工作无关的某些课题的渊博知识,而没有从中得到什么实益或宽慰。 |
A man may be in command of any number of facts and be brilliant at his job without necessarily being an educated person.
有人能擅长许多事情,在工作上十分出色,但不必然就是一个受过教育的人。 |