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On the basis of introducing the whole structure and descriptive format of the new edition of Descriptive Rules of Bibliographic References,the paper is intended to point out its flaws and what need be modified.

1 On the basis of improving conventional switch table of direct torque control system, a two-hysterics control switch table is established in the strategy in order to decrease torque ripple. 已记 看解释
2 On the basis of inspecting our commercial bank's internal control's defect, author will advise some measures to improve bank's internal control. 已记 看解释
3 On the basis of inspecting the Hakkas community's urbanized advancement and its patriarchal clan condition at Longxi Longcheng street in Shenzhen, the author combines with the urbanized advancement and influence of the Zhujiang Delta countryside area to d 已记 看解释
4 On the basis of introducing emergency management system of natural disasters in United States, this paper analyzes emergency service and management of meteorological disasters in United States and its successful experiences, then puts forward some measure 已记 看解释
5 On the basis of introducing the principle of the TF/AR radar, this paper analyzes the conditions of effectively jamming the TF/AR radar in typical tactical act of hedgehopping, which include the disposition and quantity of electron reconnaissance/jammer, 已记 看解释
6 On the basis of introducing the whole structure and descriptive format of the new edition of Descriptive Rules of Bibliographic References,the paper is intended to point out its flaws and what need be modified. 已记 看解释
7 On the basis of investigated materials in the plot, the dynamics of edge dispersal of Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis clone population was studied. 已记 看解释
8 On the basis of investigating analytic proposition and synthetic proposition, the paper gives some comments on Quine's critique on distinction of the two propositions, illustrating that Quine's critique cannot deny their distinction and only show they are 已记 看解释
9 On the basis of investigation on the current situation of carrying out health education in primary and high schools in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, the author analyzes its existent problem and disadvantageous factor, providing some worthy information 已记 看解释
10 On the basis of kinematic analysis of the tripod universal joint, this paper analyses the motion errors of this system, which related to the manufacturing error, installation error, bearing clearance, and so on. 已记 看解释
11 On the basis of kinematics analysis and model transformation, an error equation of the robot kinematics parameter is established with numerical optimization, and the optimal design for kinematics parameter is realized, which effectively increases the repo 已记 看解释

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