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Ditto goes for your teachers, listen to them, too.

Dither – Applies a sampling over the borders of the shadows, quite the same way anti-aliasing is applied by the OSA button on the borders of an object. 抖动-在阴影边界应用采样,相同地,通过OSA按钮在物体边界应用反走样。
Dithering, which adds white noise to the input analog signals, may be used to reduce quantization noise. 在输入模拟信号中加入白噪声,即抖动,可以降低量化噪声。
Dithiooxamide molecules were adsorbed on the metal surface through the amine and thiol groups. 二硫代乙二酰胺分子通过其氨基和巯基共同吸附于金属表面。
Dittmeyer, the Bradys next door neighbor, is in charge of acquiring land for a new residential mini-mall, and the Bradys are the last hold-outs on selling their land. 女导演贝蒂.托马斯颇能掌握电视剧原有的风格,但亦与时俱进地加入了一些九十年代的谑笑料。
Ditto for one way ANOVA, two way ANOVA (with and without replicates), full and fractional factorials, and response surface designs. 给定一组数据,6西格玛黑带应能进行一维方差分析、二维方差分析(有或没有重复),全部析因,部分析因和响应曲面设计。
Ditto goes for your teachers, listen to them, too. 就像你们听老师的话一样,去听父母的话。
Ditto the Red Sea and its wonderland of coral reefs and exotic sea life. 红海及其珊瑚礁奇景和珍奇海洋生物也再见了。
Ditto, but with tilt: Ditto above, plus landscapes with tons of foreground and tables laden with food. 复制上面的,在风景前加上一堆前景和放满食物的桌子。
Ditto, with luck, the prime minister. 与上类似,首相也很走运。
Dittrich, Winand. Is the Monkeys' World Scientifically Impenetrable?Behavioral and Brain Sciences15 (1992): 152. 猴子的世界是科学难以探测的吗?〉《行为与脑科学》15(1992):152.
Diu Diu actually cried out suddenly, told me while crying: You Yun, I would never join in this kind of race, too tired, I had never suffer so lot, … I was in silence, in fact, this intensity was very considerable to men, the rather that a lady? 丢丢居然哇的一声哭了出来,边哭边说:有云,我再也不玩这样的比赛了,太累了,我从来没有受过这样的苦……我也无语,的确,这样的强度队男人都是一种考验,何况是美女了?

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