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I wish that I would not only know English but also French.

I wish she wouldn't get after me to do things. 我真希望她不会催促我去做事。
I wish that I can know more friends in various fields through this simple personal website. 希望通过我自己这个简单的个人网站能认识到更多不同领域的志同道合的朋友。
I wish that I knew something about programming. 我希望我懂一点程序设计就好了。
I wish that I knew the answer. 我希望我知道这个答案。
I wish that I were young again . 要是我能返老还童该多好。
I wish that I would not only know English but also French. 我要是既懂英语又懂法语就好了.
I wish that Job were tried to the limit Because of his answering like evil men. 36我愿约伯被试验到底,因他回答像恶人一样。
I wish that Tom weren't so careless. 我很希望汤姆不那么粗心。
I wish that driver wasn't such a road hog. 我真希望那个驾驶员不是那么一个蛮横的司机。
I wish that i had a pair of wings and were able to fly hight in the sky. 如果这时候窗外有风,我是否就有了飞翔的理由,积累的快乐和悲伤,你懂了所以我自由,你不懂所以我坠落。
I wish that more people would come to know of you, and that your shining warmth (which fortunate friends like me acquiesced to whole heartedly), would come through this hard earned piece of glory. 希望有更多的人可以透过妳的音乐来认识妳,也希望妳那发光的温暖(像我一样有幸做妳朋友的人都有满心体会)可以透过这份辛苦得来的荣耀让所有的人也能感受得到。

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