To learn from Tao Xing, the ordinary student who understood what it means to repay your benefactor's kindness, respect for the elderly, love for parents, as well as gratefulness to teachers for their instruction and fellow friends for their help.
一、学习陶星这位普通学生所表现出的知恩报恩、尊老敬老的优良品格,报答父母的养育之恩,感谢老师的教育之恩,回报朋友的帮助之恩。 |
To learn how to identify the strength,weakness,opportunity,and threat (SWOT)according to internal and external environments so as to buied functional-level,dusivess-level,and corporate-level strategy for a company.
经营者如何分析内、外在环境已确认面对的优势、弱点、机会与威胁,进而拟定兼顾理想与现实的功能层次、事业层次和公司总体层次的策略,已获取竞争优势。 |
To learn how to use the needles takes about one month of training.
要想学会如何使用这些针大约需要一个月的训练。 |
To learn is rather a painstaking and persevering business.
最重要的因素,这个人自己努力。 |
To learn more about Arabica coffee, check out the section called Arabica.
因此,选购时应当更多地了解、检验其各个方面,已确保质量。 |
To learn more about human anatomy, Leonardo da Vinci secretly dissected corpses.
为了得知更多人体解剖学的相关知识,达文西暗地里解剖尸体。 |
To learn more about this new race from the Burning Crusade, click here!
想从燃烧军团获得更多的新种族的资料,请点这里。 |
To learn obeying is the fundamental art of governing.
学会顺从是管理的基本艺术。 |
To learn singing a song for her, you can share it with other people on your wedding.
为她学唱一首歌,在结婚那天送给她所有的来宾. |
To learn that by trying to hold on to love ones, they very quickly push them away; and by letting go of those they love, they will be side by side forever.
去懂得试图抓住所爱的人,所爱的人会推开你;给所爱的人以自由,他们会永远在你的左右。 |
To learn the fate of these new neurons, Dr Shors and her team used a chemical tag that attaches itself to cells that are dividing.
为了解这些新神经元的最终去向,肖尔斯博士和她的团队使用一种化学标签,这些标签会自动附在那些正在分裂的细胞上。 |