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The removal rate of As(III) could reach that of As(V) when pre-aerating water samples with ozone for 0s, putting 7 ml/L hydrogen peroxide solution, adding mg/L javelle water (sodium hypochlorite) or mg/L bleaching powder(numerated by chlorine).
通入臭氧 0 s,或按 7. m l/ L 投加双氧水 ,按投氯量加 . m g/ L 次氯酸钠或 m g/ L 的漂白粉等 ,均可有效氧化 .0 m g/ L As(III) ,使砷去除率近似于 As(V)的去除率 ;

The relative permeability curves,porosity,and irreducible water saturation of coal cleats measured in laboratory have been proven valuable in numerical simulation and other engineering studies of coalbed methane recovery. 实验室所测得的煤层相对渗透率曲线、孔隙度和残余水饱和度对于数值模拟和其它煤层气工程研究都具有重要的价值。
The relative standard deviations were below 8.0%. The contents of monosaccharides in Kuding tea were as follows: glucose(0. %),fructose(0.0%),galactose(.000%),ribose(0.0 %),xylose(0.0%),arabinose(0.00%). 方法的相对标准偏差小于8.0%,测得的苦丁茶中单糖含量分别为:葡萄糖0. %,果糖0.0%,半乳糖.000%,核糖0.0 %,木糖0.0%,阿拉伯糖0.00%。
The relevant concrete production system, workmanship of concrete placing and anti-cracking measures are described. 但由于浇筑强度高和温控标准严 ,混凝土生产系统 (人工砂石系统、混凝土拌和系统、制冷系统 )、混凝土浇筑工艺以及混凝土温控和防裂措施都必须与这种浇筑方式相适应。
The remained rats were managed at the same way after weeks. 术后周将剩下7只大鼠同法处理。
The reminant of the middle turbinate and the upper arch of choana were helpful operative landmarks. Preoperative CT scan decrease the complications. 中鼻甲残根和后鼻孔上穹窿为手术重要的安全标志 ,术前 CT扫描可以减少并发症的发生。
The removal rate of As(III) could reach that of As(V) when pre-aerating water samples with ozone for 0s, putting 7 ml/L hydrogen peroxide solution, adding mg/L javelle water (sodium hypochlorite) or mg/L bleaching powder(numerated by chlorine). 通入臭氧 0 s,或按 7. m l/ L 投加双氧水 ,按投氯量加 . m g/ L 次氯酸钠或 m g/ L 的漂白粉等 ,均可有效氧化 .0 m g/ L As(III) ,使砷去除率近似于 As(V)的去除率 ;
The repaired thumbs had good blood supply and excellent appearance with two point discrimination 7-0 mm. 皮瓣弹性、色泽良好,两点分辨觉为7~0mm。
The repairs of chordee without hypospadias in children(A report of cases) 先天性阴茎下弯畸形的手术治疗
The repellent absolute active time was determined for Aedes aegypti, which was 9 hours for 0% R0 ethanol formulation and 7. hours for 0% Deet ethanol formulation at the same condition respectively. 其驱蚊活性为0%R0酊剂对埃及伊蚊绝对驱避时间为9h,同样条件下0%避蚊胺(Det)酊剂的绝对驱避时间为7.h。
The repent consciousness of Kite contains four spiritual planes of different meaning: First, repentance about concrete person and matter; 《风筝》的忏悔意识蕴含着四个不同意义的精神层面 :一、对具体人和事的忏悔 ;
The reported postpartum problems included backaches,arthralgia or leg clonus( .9%),breast problems(9.%),anal intestines diseases(.7%),anaemia(0.0 %),oral cavity disease(9.8%),etc. 各种疾病或症状的发生率依次为:腰腿痛 .9%、肛肠疾病.7%、乳腺疾病9.%、贫血0.0 %、口腔疾病9.8%。

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