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Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Fill in the F&B stationery form; get enough stationery for F&B office monthly operation use from general store room. 填写餐饮部文具用品申请表,从大库提取足够量的文具用品,给餐饮部日常运营工作使用。
Fill in the application form for foreign students in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. 填写广州美术学院留学生入学申请表.
Fill in the application form with the official seal and send it back by fax to the organizing committee. Booths are available by the following steps:“applying-paying-selecting”. 填好《参展回执表》,加盖公司印章后传真至组委会,展位按照“先报名,先付款,先挑选”的原则安排。
Fill in the application of common stock materials according to the <Regulations of stock material limitation>, marked with proper material name, quantity, stock, daily-use quantity, and submit to superior for approval. 根据《物资库存限额规定》,负责及时填报库存常用物资的采购申请,注明各物资品名、数量,定明库存量、月用量,确认无误后交上级领导审批。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns. 在空格处填入适当的代词。
Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 在空格里填上适当的字。
Fill in the blanks with the words given.Then make your own sentences with the words. 用所给的单词填空,然后用这些单词造句。
Fill in the experiment form. 请填写实验表格。
Fill in the form, please. 请填写一下表格。
Fill in the information of each family member. If one or more of the members are baptized, the rest of the family under the same address should also registered. 请填上府上各人的资料,只要其中一位是教友,居于同一地址内也请登记在内。
Fill in the lubricating oil in time to ensure good lubrication performance of the bearing. 及时补充润滑油,保证需要轴承润滑良好。

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