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cDNA Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Serine Protease from the Mycoparasite Fungus Olpitrichum tenellum and Its Expression in Pichia pastoris

Solid-phase Synthesis of Polypeptide TAT-PTD and Its Interaction with DNA 穿膜肽TAT-PTD的固相合成及其与DNA相互作用的研究
Benthic Animal Survey in Yantai Inshores. 烟台近海底栖动物调查报告
Preliminary Study on the Molecular Identification of Copepod Eggs in Xiamen Bay 厦门海域桡足类卵的分子鉴定
Effect of Glycine max 2-methyl-6-phytyl-1,4-benzoquinol Methyltransferase (GmVTE3) on Vitamin E Content of Transgenic Arabidopsis 大豆2-甲基-6-植基-1,4-苯醌甲基转移酶(GmVTE3)对转基因拟南芥生育酚组成的影响
Five New Species of Tetrigoidea from Guangxi(Orthoptera) 广西蚱总科五新种记述(直翅目)
cDNA Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Serine Protease from the Mycoparasite Fungus Olpitrichum tenellum and Its Expression in Pichia pastoris 纤细齿梗孢丝氨酸蛋白酶cDNA克隆及其序列分析和表达
Effects of donor cell source and TSA treatment on reprogramming of yak-bovine iSCNT embryos 供体细胞来源和TSA处理对牦牛iSCNT胚胎重编程的影响
Cloning and sequence analysis of hairless gene of Uncv hairless mice Uncv无毛小鼠无毛基因的分子克隆及序列分析
The Culture of Adult Bovine Lens Epithelial Cells and its Ultrastructural Observation 成年牛晶状体上皮细胞培养及超微结构的观察
Polypore Diversity in Guangdong Province 广东省多孔菌的多样性(英文)

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