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“Then arise, Taelan Fordring—Paladin defender of Lordaeron. Welcome to the Order of the Silver Hand.

“The young people are full of energy - they like the noisy, fun atmosphere,“ said Wu Manman, who was joining in the fun. “这些年轻人精力旺盛-他们喜欢吵闹和欢快的气氛,”吴蛮蛮(音译)说,她本人也加入在这次狂欢中。
“The zoo keepers tried every way to divert the chimp's attention from cigarettes: a walk after breakfast, a music session after lunch and gym after dinner,” Xinhua said. 「动物园饲养员尝试各种方法来转移这头黑猩猩对香菸的注意力:早餐后散步,午餐后听一段音乐,晚餐后做体操,」新华社说。
“Their eyes were opened and they recognised him(v31). “他们的眼睛明亮了,这才认出他来。
“Their names? Oh, yes, their names. Saga, Deathmask, Aiolos, Shura, Camus, Aphrodite. They are now stars in the sky, and will glimmer forever. “他们的名字?哦,是的,他们的名字。撒加,迪斯马斯克,艾俄洛斯,修罗,卡妙,阿布罗迪。他们现在化作了夜空中的点点星辰,闪烁着微光,直到永远。”
“Them be careful,”warned Robin. “Robin Hood is a sneaky man.He has been known to play a few tricks. “那么要小心,”罗宾警告他,“罗宾汉是个狡猾的人。大家都知道他会耍一些小把戏。”
“Then arise, Taelan Fordring—Paladin defender of Lordaeron. Welcome to the Order of the Silver Hand. 那么站起来吧,泰兰.弗丁,洛丹伦王国的圣骑士,欢迎加入白银之手.
“Then in the marriage union,the independence of the husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual,and their obligations reciprocal” (Lucretia Mott). “在一桩婚姻中,丈夫与妻子的独立性是平等的,依赖性是互相的,而他们的责任也是彼此之间的”(卢克丽霞·莫特)。
“Then it's totally useless to me. “他对我有什么用?
“Then said I: “Woe is me, for I am undone; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.’” The voice of a broken, contrite heart. 那时我说:“祸哉,我灭亡了,因我眼见大君王万军之耶和华。”这是一个破碎痛悔的心里发出来的呼声。
“Then the one inside answers, ‘Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything. 那人在里面回答说、不要搅扰我.门已经关闭、孩子们也同我在床上了.我不能起来给你。
“Then we shall see.”said Robin. “Fine away. “那么我们就来比试比试吧,”罗宾说道,“请吧。”

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