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A view popular in physics is to start with uncharged electrons and cores, which are therefore both free and plane waves and can have any energy, and then fade in the charge.

A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here. 从这里可以看到富士山。
A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained here. 在这儿可以看到富士山。
A view of a celebration In Italy for Pisa's Patron Saint Ranieri, during which all the buildings are lined with more than 50,000 candles. 纪念意大利比萨城的守护神圣雷尼里(音译)的庆典一景,在这项庆典中,市内建筑物会排列超过五万枝蜡烛。
A view of the Carbon radio tray, upper brace and low center-of-gravity electronics. Aluminum upper suspension mount is also standard. 低重心的遥控组件安装在上层碳素纤维板下.标准的铝合金上减震座.
A view of the prairie faded in. 一个草原的景象渐显。
A view popular in physics is to start with uncharged electrons and cores, which are therefore both free and plane waves and can have any energy, and then fade in the charge. 物理学中流行的方法是从不带电的电子和原子核出发,因为它们是自由的平面波,可以具有任意能量,并在带电后衰减。
A viewer or listener's telephone conversation with or telephone call to the host of such a show. 热线听众或观众上述节目中与主人进行电话交谈或打电话的观众或听众
A viewer watches exquisitely-glazed pig craftwork at a store in Quanzhou City, southeast China's Fujian Province, Nov. 24, 2006. 11月24日,在福建泉州市一家礼品店里,一款精美的琉璃猪礼品吸引了市民的眼球。
A viewpoint defines the perspective from which a view is taken. 视点定义了获得视图的角度。
A viewpoint is a set fo conventions for constructing, interpreting and analyzing a view. 这相对来说是较弱的需求-基于当前的认同;我想将来我们能够做得更好。
A vigilant police force helps to control crime. 一支警惕着的警察队伍有助于遏制犯罪。

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