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The fugitive doubled back to confound the pursuers.

The fuel is abundant, the process safe and the waste, though radioactive, is far less noxious than the stuff left over from fission. 燃料储量丰富,过程安全,废料尽管有放射性,但同裂变产生的废料相比,有害程度要小得多。
The fuel ship is toward to north coast. 这艘油船开始向北岸驶去。
The fuel tank has a capacity of 12 gallons. 这个燃料箱有十二加仑的容量。
The fuel tank thus occupies some of the space that was previously available for passengers and their luggage in the standard sedan. 燃料槽从而占据了一些以前在标准汽车中用于乘客和行李的空间。
The fuel-pump designing method based on knowledge and visualization technology has been presented in this paper. 摘要提出了基于知识和可视化技术的油泵设计方法。
The fugitive doubled back to confound the pursuers. 逃亡者用曲折迂回的办法来迷惑追踪者
The fugitive succeeded in eluding the pursuers by planting false clues. 这逃犯设置虚假的线索,得以避开了追捕者。
The fugitives travelled by night andrested by day. 逃亡者夜行而昼伏.
The fulfilling of the main requirements/movements of a Dressage test is a main criteria of submission. 马场马术测验的动作与要求的主要表现,就是在服从。
The fulfillment enunciation of socialism development shows: when allow the existence of the private capital economy, and can when promote the society's development, which has become a basic experience to proceed socialism developments. 摘要社会主义建设的实践表明,什麽时候允许民营经济的存在,什麽时候就能促进社会的发展,这已成爲落后国家进行社会主义建设的一条基本经验。
The fulfillment of my dream is apparently as far off as ever. 我梦想的实现显然是遥遥无期。

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