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However, additional and/or different tests would be important to assess physicochemical characteristics, structural characteristics, biological activity, and/or immunochemical activity.

However, about 7% of the irradiated group develop thyroid carcinoma; most are papillary or mixed follicular-papillary and are generally slow-growing and relatively nonaggressive. 不过,约7%病人会得甲状腺癌,多数为乳头状癌或滤泡-乳头混合型癌,一般生长缓慢,相对无侵犯性。
However, absorbing the new league was something that proved a difficult obstacle for Yao. Gone were the always-sportsmanlike, kind, respectful, and soft-spoken players of the Chinese basketball league. 然而,融入新的联盟,被证实对于姚来说是一个困难的障碍。那个充满穿戴整齐的,和蔼友善的,谦恭有礼的,说话温和的球员的中国篮球联盟(有么?有么?--),已经离他远去了。
However, according to sources from the movie industry, Hangzhou's price of movie tickets is not the highest one in China. 而电影业内人士称,杭州的电影票价水平在中国还不是最高的。
However, according to the textualresearch of the Tanjiawan site, one of the important culturalrelics under state protection, ancestors of Wuzhen had lived hereat the New Stone Age 7,000 years ago. 然而,对谭家湾遗址(国家重点文物保护遗址)出土的史料研究表明,乌镇的先民早在约7000年就在这块土地上繁衍生息。
However, accretion disks, jets, and orbiting objects are found not only around black holes, but also around other objects such as neutron stars; and the dynamics of bodies near these non-black hole attractors is largely similar to the dynamics of bodies a 然而增大的圆盘片、喷射和绕轨道而运行物体不仅在黑洞周围被发现,但是也在如中子星的其它物体周围被发现;而靠近这些非黑洞引起人注意物体很大程度上类似黑洞周围物体的动力学,而现在是涉及磁场和等离子体物理学研究一个很复杂和活跃的领域。
However, additional and/or different tests would be important to assess physicochemical characteristics, structural characteristics, biological activity, and/or immunochemical activity. 然而,其它确定物理化学性质,结构特性,生物活性和/或免疫化学活性的补充检测和/或其它检测将是非常重要的。
However, after heavy celebrations, they were beaten and clearly outplayed by Nuremberg in the German Cup final a week later. 然而,经过夺冠后的盛大庆祝,一周后,他们在德国杯决赛中被纽伦堡干净利落的击败。
However, after her brother and father were sent to Azkaban, Merope tricked Riddle into marrying her with a love potion. 然而,在她的父亲和兄长都进了阿兹卡班后,她给汤姆施了爱情魔法,骗得他与她结婚。
However, after looking up the new words left and right in the dictionary, I finally made out the meaning more or le . 然而,我在字典里查完这些新字后,我终于或多或少了解其意义。
However, after looking up the new words left and right in the dictionary, I finally made out the meaning more or less. 然而,我在字典里查完这些新字后,我终于或多或少了解其意义。
However, after seven years' practice, it was found that it couldn't solve the contradictory between policy and practice of personal finance service in the field of higher education. 但其实施7年来,始终未能解决个人金融服务在高等教育领域内的政策与实践之间的矛盾。

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