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Warren Street is a possibility — it is four stops from Charing Cross, the official centre of London, from which distances are measured, and at the end of Whitehall, where most Government Ministries are located — perhaps including the Ministry of Magic.

Warnings: strong fat dissolve! Do not touch it with hands! Keep it from the eyes! 安全警示:强力溶解脂肪!切勿直接用手接触!避免溅入眼睛!
Warp stalkers are crafty, predatory hunters indigenous to Draenor that have been corrupted by the Burning Legion. 次元追猎者是一种狡猾多端的猎食动物,原本生活于被燃烧军团所腐化的世界——德拉诺。
Warrant holders buy the right to purchase the mother share at a predetermined price. 值得持有买权的购买份额母亲在一个预定的价格.
Warrant holders enjoy this gearing phenomena but ICULS holders do not. 值得持有人享有这一磨合现象,而是iculs持不.
Warrants can also be bought and sold in their own right, making them potential objects of speculation as well. 同时,权证自身也可以买卖,使之成为了一种潜在的投机目标。
Warren Street is a possibility — it is four stops from Charing Cross, the official centre of London, from which distances are measured, and at the end of Whitehall, where most Government Ministries are located — perhaps including the Ministry of Magic. 沃伦街站是一种可能——它与查林十字车站隔四个停车站,而查林十字车站是官方规定的伦敦中心,测量公路里程的起点,而且在白厅大街——大多数的政府部门所在地,也许包括魔法部——的一端。
Warren says, Our house is situated on a windswept hill, at least 500 metres from the nearest water. 拥挤的地方说,“我们的房子处于在一座风刮的山丘上,从最近的水的至少500米。
Warren was oblivious to the yelling and fighting in the apartment next door, and continued reading his book. 沃伦对公寓内邻居的叫喊与吵闹浑然不觉,继续读他的书。
Warren: Any idea why they were stalling? 华伦:知道他们为什么拖延吗?
Warren: How did your business trip go? It was your first one overseas, right? 华伦:你出差情况怎样?这是你第一次到海外公干,对吗?
Warren: Is Contemporary Philosophy a lecture course? 现代哲学是演讲课吗?

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