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We're not kids. Don't play hide-and-seek.

We're not certain where he lives. 我们未确定的是他住在哪里。
We're not going to do away with the honor system, but we're going to fix many of the flaws with it. 我们不会废除荣誉系统,而将对它原有的一些弊病进行修改。
We're not going to sit back and let them take advantage of us. 我们不会歇下来等着他们来欺骗(或:捉弄)我们。
We're not going to suffer, but the three kids grumble anyway. 我们不觉得难受,3个孩子却抱怨连天。
We're not going to tell you what we're talking about. It's an inside joke . 我们不会告诉你我们所说的内容,这是圈儿内的秘密。
We're not kids. Don't play hide-and-seek. 我们不是小孩子,别捉迷藏啦。
We're not mining or trolling through the personal lives of millions of innocent Americans. 我们并没有想要挖掘或偷窥数以百万国民的私人生活。』
We're not suitable for each other. 【我们彼此不适合。】
We're not sure yet. But we'll keep plugging away5 until we get an answer. Meanwhile, Spider-Man 3 is set for release in May of next year. 我们还无法知道是否如此。不过我们将拭目以待,直到得到答案。同时,《蜘蛛侠》续集三将于明年五月公映。
We're now at the Lao Jun Rock. 韩佳:我们现在是在老君岩。
We're now been at sea three days. 我们在海上航行已经三天了。

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