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In choosing between tackling a political impossibility and a biophysical impossibility, I would judge the latter to be the more impossible and take my chances with the former.

In chips,Datang/ADI,Kaiming, Tianqi, Spreadtrum Communications Inc. and so on have launched terminal chip solutions and mobile phone reference designs. 芯片方面,大唐/ADI、凯明、天、展讯等公司已推出终端芯片解决方案和手机参考设计。
In choosing a hobby that will be well suited to our individual needs we have to take account of several factors. 要选择一个非常适合我们个人需要的兴趣,我们要考虑到许多因素。
In choosing an apartment, cost of rent, location, and local transportation all come into play. 选择公寓时,房租、地点和当地的交通都要列入考虑因素。
In choosing baggage, make sure that it is within regulations, especially for air travel. 在选购行李箱时,要确定它们符合规定,尤其是符合航空旅游的规定。
In choosing between false friends and overt enemies I always preferred the latter. 在错误的朋友和公开的敌人之间,我宁愿选择后者。
In choosing between tackling a political impossibility and a biophysical impossibility, I would judge the latter to be the more impossible and take my chances with the former. 若要在政治不可能与生物物理不可能之间择一处理,我会冒险选择前者,因为后者更不可行。
In church I had been surprised by the size of the rnissal, but the dictionary was thicker. 在教堂里,我已经对弥撒经书之厚感到震惊,这本字典更厚。
In cities, the myopia rate is very higher and still keeps going up; in countryside, the myopia have increased dramatically. 城市的近视率居高不下、持续上升;农村的近视率显著增长。
In cities, they would wander through colleges and libraries, “in need of air-conditioning,” Pinky joked. 在城市里,她们会逛当地的大学和图书馆,“在需要空调的时候,”江秋萍开玩笑道。
In cities, upwardly mobile couples call their precious only child xiao taiyang, or little sun,as in center of the universe. 在城市中,经济能力日益提高的父母们把自己宝贝的独生子女称作“小太阳”。
In city construction the planning of the water system concerned is related to many aspects of the constructions such as city construction, water conservancy, environment protection etc. 摘要在城市建设中,水系规划涉及了城市、水利、环境等多方面内容。

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