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Here are Tom and David; the latter is my brother.

Here and there, small knots of people were queuing for fuel or food. In one queue some of the survivors were fighting over a blanket. 这里和那里,一小群人在排队拿燃料和食物。在一个队里,一些幸存者在为一张毛毯争斗。
Here and there, wings have gone to dust that 13)fluttered so last year, a 14)moldering prune, an empty house in which a bird 15)resided where last year's flies their 16)errand ran and last year's 17)crickets fell. 每一处,去年曾经拍打的羽翼都化成了尘土,李子在腐烂,那座房子--鸟儿曾在里面栖息,去年苍蝇还在那儿奔忙,蟋蟀还在那儿戏耍--如今却已空空。
Here and there,is your clothes in the house. 房间到处都是你的衣服.
Here are 10 lucky persons who receive the main prize - 2 tickets for premiere 7 years of success. 以下是本次活动的十位获胜的幸运儿,他们得到的奖励是:两张“成功7年”演唱会的门票!
Here are 4 strategies for alleviating the boredom associated with exercise: 这里有4个战略,为缓解苦闷与行使:
Here are Tom and David; the latter is my brother. 这是汤姆和戴维;后者是我的兄弟。
Here are a couple of examples. 看看以下的例子。
Here are a few envelopes, a pen and some paper for you. 这儿有几个信封、一支笔和一些纸给你。
Here are a few guidelines gleaned from experienced breeders. 这里是从有经验的育种家那里收集来的一些指南。
Here are a few of the more famous closeout aisle thought patterns: 这里有几个较为有名清账走道思维模式:
Here are a few of the more offbeat interactions during the fourth Loebner Prize Competition held at California State University, San Marcos. 下面列出了在圣马科斯,加利福尼亚州立大学举办的第4届罗布纳有奖竞赛中几段较为不规则的对话。

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