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Student-staff ratio: average number of students per staff member at the university, taken from HESA data for 2003/04.

Student teams perform a comprehensive analysis and valuation of a business, as outlined in the syllabus. 如同课程大纲所提及,每一组学生都要对一个企业执行综合的分析与评价。
Student to think of why there are the similarities and differences between the Spring Festival and Christmas, and should understand the differences culture of western countries. 通过这些活动让学生了解外国的文化,同时能把外国文化和本国文化对比,加深对本国文化的了解.
Student visa will only be sent out upon receipt of first instalment. 学生签证将在学院收到第一笔学费后用特快邮递寄给学生。
Student's faces bring life to the campus; parent's contentment brings a hope for the school . 学生的笑脸就是校园的阳光,家长的满意就是学校的生命。
Student's hair must be secured out of the face, in a bun. 4学生头发不能盖在脸上,必梳需圆包头。
Student-staff ratio: average number of students per staff member at the university, taken from HESA data for 2003/04. 师生比例:大学中平均每名教员拥有的学生数,数据来源同上。
Student/Parent Manual is now available for NEW PARENTS of this school year to pick up at the office. Returning parents should have it from previous year. 本学年度新生家长请至教务处领取学生及家长手册(由于经费所限,旧生请延用往年版本)。
Student: How do we prevent them? 学生:我们怎么预防这些呢?
Student: How many vice-presidents do you have? 学生:你们有多少副董事长?
Student: I am thinking of studying abroad after I graduate. 学生:我想在毕业后出国留学。
Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer. 学生:我指不出,但我知道答案。

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