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Add in the sifted flour, cinnamon, baking powder and hazelnut powder into the butter mixture. Then add in chocolate drops and mix.

Add in the World Cup and the lure of the beach in August, and you have to be starry-eyed to give the Doha round much of a chance. 考虑到世界杯和八月份去海边度假等因素的影响,我们不妨盼望多哈回合的谈判会出现转机。
Add in the coarsely diced apples and spread evenly into the prepared crust. 苹果切成粗丁加入面糊后倒入备好的派饼。
Add in the diced tomatoes and tomatoes sauce in the pot. Keep stiring with minced pork and diced vege. 加入罐头蕃茄酱及罐头蕃茄丁和著猪肉碎及蔬果丁搅拌均匀.
Add in the importance of the mother in family health, education, and upbringing, and it is easy to see why educating women is so important. 再加上母亲在家人健康、教育及养育上所扮演的吃重角色,不难看出女性教育如此举足轻重的原因。
Add in the sauce for fried tagliatelle, continue to stir the tagliatelle and pork meat. And then add in shredded onion, shredded carrot and soya beans. 加入炒面调味料,反覆的搅拌面条及猪肉丝.之后加入洋葱丝,红萝卜丝及豆芽.
Add in the sifted flour, cinnamon, baking powder and hazelnut powder into the butter mixture. Then add in chocolate drops and mix. 加入过筛后的面粉,肉桂粉,烤粉和榛子粉拌匀即可。最后加入巧克力拌匀。
Add justice, to the far-flung round of human endeavors and you have civilization. 将公正赋予久远而漫长的整个人类事业,你会拥有文明。
Add lentils, bay leaf, tomatoes, salt, pepper, and 5 1/2 cups water. 再加入扁豆,月桂叶,番茄,盐,胡椒和51/2杯水。
Add love to a house and you have a home. 将爱赋予一座房子,你便会拥有一个家。
Add lubricant to the transmission parts regularly as it runs. 运行时请定期给各传动部位加润滑油。
Add lubricant to the transmission parts regularly.Check the sealing filler of the vlave regularly .Complemetn or change filler avoiding leakage of medium. 定期给阀门的传动部位加润滑油。定期检查阀的密封填料处,补充、更换填料以防介质外泄。

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