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A circle is bisected by any diameter.

A cigarette company owes a duty of care to potential customers when advertising its product to warn of the dangers of smoking. 香烟公司在为其产品做广告时,对那些潜在的消费者负有警告吸烟危害的注意义务。
A cigarette set the dry grass alight. 香烟把乾草点著了.
A cigarette spark started the fire. 香烟的火星引起这场火灾。
A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire. 在天气干燥时把点燃的香烟扔进树林可能会引起火灾。
A cinema is a place of entertainment. 影院是娱乐场所。
A circle is bisected by any diameter. 圆被任一直径二等分。
A circuit board. 电路板,集成板
A circuit breaker is a protective device that automatically interrupts the current flowing through it when that current exceeds a certain value for a specified period of time. 线路断路器线路断路器是一个保护装置,当通过它的电流超过某个安全设定值一定时间后,它就能够自动切断电流。
A circuit breaker. 开关电路断路器
A circuit court held by itinerant royal justices in medieval England. 巡回法庭中世纪英国由巡回的皇家法官主持的巡回法庭
A circuit element, typically a conducting coil, in which electromotive force is generated by electromagnetic induction. 扼流圈通常是一个电感线圈,但电感线圈不一定都是用做“扼流”。

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