Since the Doha round was launched in November 2001, it has sailed past innumerable deadlines.
自从2001年11月份的多哈谈判以来,四国谈判已经穿越了无数的死亡线。 |
Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, stele inscriptions were widely used to publicize authoritative characters and classic books., an inscribed scripture in three styles of writing.
自东汉开始,历代政府常采用刻立“石经”的方法来规范文字与经典书籍,即把标准文本刻在石碑上,供人们阅读、抄写。图为魏正始年间(240—249年)用三种字体写成的石经。 |
Since the First Asia-Europe Meeting, all member countries have done lots of constructive work for materializing the agreement reached at the Bangkok meeting, and positive changes of strategic significance have taken place in the cooperation and relationsh
第一届亚欧会议以来,各成员国为落实曼谷会议所达成的共识,做了大量有益的工作,亚欧两大洲的互利合作和相互关系出现了具有战略意义的积极变化。 |
Since the Gulf War the U.S. military has been developing digital information systems.
海湾战争以来美军一直在研制数字信息系统。 |
Since the Han Dynasty, the technology of paper making has been improving continuously, Song Yingxin of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) summarized the technology of paper-making in his book Exploitation of the Works of Nature.
自汉代以后,中国造纸术不断改进,明代宋应星于公元1637年著《天工开物》,书中对古代造纸工艺进行总结。 |
Since the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society's web site was hacked and had data lost, below formed broken links.
由于香港观鸟会的网站遭骇客入侵,网上新闻组有好些资料已不可复得。 |
Since the Ice Age ended ten thousand years ago and warmer temperatures returned to the northern latitudes, many species have migrated north.
自从一万年前冰河时代结束之后,北半球就开始变暖,许多物种开始向北迁移。 |
Since the Kingsguard are in the service of the king, they are frequently expected to be available in King's Landing for other political or courtly functions.
御林铁卫在为国王服务时,他们在君临需要频繁地参加各种不同的行政或是宫廷仪式。 |
Since the L/C has been amended as required and everything is now in order, we hope you will ship our order as early as possible.
信用证已按要求修改,现在一切已就绪,望尽早将我方订货装船。 |
Since the Lamp light does not cast shadows it shines happily through walls and the like.
由于灯光照明不投射阴影,它会穿越墙和类似的物体。 |
Since the News Corporations offer for Dow Jones & Company was made public three months ago, Rupert Murdochs business career, character and motives have been dissected in an effort to predict what he might do as the owner of The Wall Street Journal.
自新闻集团的出价为道琼斯公司被公诸于众三个月前,默多克的商业生涯中,性格和动机已点破努力预言什么,他可能做主人的华尔街日报. |