A Frenchman, for instance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke.
譬如,法国人听完一则俄国笑话可能很难发笑。 |
A From Canada. What do you do?
从加拿大来。你做什么工作? |
A GIS is often used to store, retrieve, and render this Earth-relative spatial data.
GIS系统通常用于存储,查询,及绘制空间信息。 |
A GPS receiver locates these satellites, records the distance to each, and uses the information to calculate the receiver's exact position on Earth.
GPS接收器对这些卫星进行定位,记录下到每个卫星的距离,并使用这些信息来计算接收器所处的具体方位。 |
A GREat many cities off the coast of China have been opened to foreign countries.
许多中国沿海城市已经对外开放。 |
A GUN IN A HOLSTER, belonging to a MAN in a guard's uniform.
装在套子的枪,属于一个身穿警卫制服的男人。 |
A Gallup poll on December 12th revealed that, among people who had an opinion on the report, a five-to-one margin favoured implementing its recommendations.
12月12日的一份盖洛普民调显示,六分之五的受访者支持实施伊拉克问题研究小组报告提出的建议。 |
A Gallup poll released on Thursday showed that while Republicans and Democrats are essentially looking for the same qualities in the next president of the United States, they differ on some important issues.
上周四公布的一项盖洛普调查显示,虽然共和党人和民主党人在对美国下任总统品质的期望上基本一致,但他们在一些重要问题上存在分歧。 |
A Gambian giant pouch rat receives the scent of a suspected anti-personnel mine in a minefield near the town of Vilancoulos, 450 km north east of the capital Maputo in Mozambique.
一只冈比亚大囊鼠,在莫桑比克首都马普托东北面四百五十公里的维兰库卢什镇附近一个地雷区,嗅到一枚可疑杀伤性地雷的气味。 |
A Gazprom official said the discussions could mark the beginning of “wider co-operation between the two companies in oil and gas development in Russia and abroad”.
俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司一位管理人员表示,此次谈判标志着“两家公司将开始就俄罗斯及海外的油气开发进行更广泛的合作”。 |
A Geisha talks on the phone in the backseat of a car.
一位艺妓正在轿车后座讲电话。 |