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A lot of slog is needed on the bottom rungs, but when you arrive at the very tip top, slogging is not merely not needed – it may actually be dangerous.

A lot of real estate giant developers scramble to enter into the Hexi New City, including Vanke, Zhonghai, Wanda and etc., who are ambitious for this promising land. 发展的空间、市场的需求、广阔的前景就像一块磁石,使全国各地有实力的开发商纷至沓来。
A lot of reports and books have been written on this subject, and it seems impossible to take no notice of them. 关于不明飞行物的问题,人们已作过大量的报道,出版了许多书籍,看来已不可能对此置若罔闻了。
A lot of research work has been carried out in recent years, but much still has to be learned about the land lying under the ice. 近年来,进行了很多研究工作,但是关于这块冰雪覆盖的大地,仍有许多事情需要弄清楚。
A lot of results indicate that the peptide prepared has efficiency, specificity, easy separating and so on. 大量研究表明,人工合成短肽具有高效、专一性、易分离等优点。
A lot of retired couples have motor homes. 很多退休夫妇都有住房汽车。
A lot of slog is needed on the bottom rungs, but when you arrive at the very tip top, slogging is not merely not needed – it may actually be dangerous. 在起步阶段,你往往需要许多苦干。但当你抵达那个至高点时,你需要的就不仅仅是苦干了,事实上,苦干可能会带来危险。
A lot of the cost of maintenance go into renew brake . 很多的维修费用都花在了更换煞车方面。
A lot of the cost of maintenance go into renew brake. 很多的维修费用都花在了更换煞车方面。
A lot of the fun of Chicken Run is in the little details, like the spoon Ginger uses in an attempt to dig under the fence, or the up-side-down 10)shuttlecock that one chicken wears as a hat. 《落跑鸡》的一大趣味在于小细节上,例如金吉用来在栅栏下挖通道的汤匙,或是被其中一只鸡翻过来当帽子戴的羽毛球。
A lot of the important scenes for the movie Mei Lanfang will be shot in a replica of the old Jixiang Theatre, which will be constructed in a studio inside the Beijing Film Studios. 电影梅兰芳传(记)的很多重要场景都将在旧的吉祥剧院再次被原景重现,而这个吉祥剧院会在北京电影制片厂的摄影棚里搭建。
A lot of the new user interface work we have comes out of that interactive TV work. 许多新的使用者接口工作我们已经从那个交谈式电视工作出来。

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