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How to translate the following the paragraph?

How to take care of silk carpet? 如何保养真丝地毯?
How to take on more assets and get rid of liabilities? 如何拥有更多资产,摆脱负债?
How to take the advantage of High-Tech to bring our lives more fun ? 我们是否可以从「以人为本」为思考的出发点,为台湾的高科技产业注入新意呢?
How to test and verify your inference? 怎么样来验证你的推测呢?
How to transit from the executive to entrepreneur mindset? 如何实现从执行者到企业家思维的转变?
How to translate the following the paragraph? 如何翻译下面这段话?
How to trust your gut for the right answers! 如何从信任你的胃中来寻找到正确的答案!
How to turn this softknowledge into hard currency? 怎么把这些软的知识变成硬性的?
How to understand Hegel's metaphysics or his Logik is essential to the comprehension of his philosophy. 摘要如何理解黑格尔的形而上学或黑格尔的逻辑学,是理解黑格尔哲学的关键。
How to understand teaching may trace back to how teachers understand knowledge, and which plays an important part in teaching. 如何理解教学必须追溯到教师对知识的理解上,教师对知识的理解对教学有很大的影响。
How to update your study plan? 如何修订本学期学习计划?

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