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In recent years, China's import price of them has gong up as a result of changes in supply-demand relations, varieties of imports, importation channels, exchange rates and petroleum price.

In recent years, Baishan has tried to live up to this title by making full use of the mineral water resource and improving its industry. 近年来,白山围绕建设国际矿泉城这一宏伟目标,大做特做矿泉水资源文章,产业素质明显提高。
In recent years, China has become the hot-spot in the world for its general economic momentum, with its market potential highly assessed. 中国经济总体发展趋势受到世界瞩目,中国市场的发展前景被普遍看好。
In recent years, China has from the northeast Changbai Mountain Snake and purified snake venom Ahylysantinfarctaseand bolt-onused for the treatment of thrombosis obliterans, and received good results, with no obvious side effects. 近年,我国先后从东北蛇岛和长白山蝮蛇蛇毒中提纯出“抗栓酶”和“清栓酶”,用来治疗血栓闭塞性脉管炎,获得良好效果,且无明显副作用。
In recent years, China has increased the supporting policies to the graveness electric power equipment reserch, speeding up its manufacturing tempo. 近年来我国加大对重大电力设备研发的政策扶持,使得电力设备制造业发展速度加快。
In recent years, China's FER has been keeping on increasing at a high speed especially after 2002. 近年来,我国外汇储备快速增长,尤其自2002年以后呈现超速增长态势。
In recent years, China's import price of them has gong up as a result of changes in supply-demand relations, varieties of imports, importation channels, exchange rates and petroleum price. 近年来,受供求关系、进口品种、进口渠道、汇率、石油价格变化等影响,导致我国原木、木浆进口价格上涨。
In recent years, Chinese exporters have seen their efforts increasingly undercut by the impact of the spreading financial crisis in Asia. 近年来,中国出口厂商受到了亚洲金融危机的冲击。
In recent years, Chinese foreign exchange reserve has been growing rapidly all along, hot it is deficient in drawing a conclusion that Chinese foreign exchange reserve is overabundant only from the point of view of economics. 摘要近年来,我国外汇储备一直保持快速增长,但单纯从经济角度就得出我国外汇储备“过多”的结论有失偏颇。
In recent years, Chinese goods have witnessed frequent antidumping lawsuits in export trade, and large economic loss has been aroused. 摘要近年来,中国产品在出口贸易中频遭反倾销诉讼,经济损失严重。
In recent years, Chinese logistics has obtained many achievements, but there still exist many problems, among which intersected management system, imbalance between supply and demand and the shortage of the talents are the most outstanding problems. 摘要近年来,中国物流管理虽取得了一些成绩,但还存在许多问题,其中条块分割的管理体制、供需不平衡的矛盾以及专业物流人才紧缺是最为突出的问题。
In recent years, Chinese painting and calligraphy feature postcolonial tendencies, i. e. emphasizing ugliness than awkwardness, strangeness than fickleness, dirtiness than thickness, terseness than emptiness, sameness than unusualness, etc. 摘要近年来,中国书画艺术中出现了一种后殖民主义倾向,它具有以丑偷换拙的概念,以怪偷换变的概念,以脏偷换厚的概念,以“简”偷换空灵的概念,以模式偷换风格的概念等等一系列特征。

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