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As is the case with trans fat labeling disclosure, most tea products do not contain ingredients derived from one of the eight major food allergen groups, and their labeling will not be impacted by the new requirements.

As is pointed out in the report, future food supplies will depend as much on family planners as on fishermen and farmers. 正如那份报告所指出的,未来的粮食供给既取决于农业耕作者,又取决于计划生育的决策者。
As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. 正像人们常常指出的,知识是一把双刃刀,可以用于造福,也可以用来为害。
As is the case with district governor allocation expenses, proper documentation, including receipts, must be furnished with this expense form. 如同地区总监的拨配金额费用的情形,包括收据等必备文件一定要齐全的附在这份费用表格内。
As is the case with every other external form with which Hinduism represents god, in the sense of the personal appearance of Brahman (also referred to as Ishvara, the Lord), the figure of Ganesha too is an archetype loaded with multiple meanings and symbo 就像印度教描绘的其他神的外在形式的情形一样,梵天的人形外貌里(也作为主自在王而提及到),甘尼萨的外形也是装满很多意义和象征的原型,表达出一种尽善尽美的状态,同样也意味着获得它。
As is the case with other airlines, British Airways's distribution of revenue in North America was highly skewed, with a small minority of frequent flyers producing the majority of the revenue tracked through Executive Club. 与其它航空公司的情况相同,英国航空公司的收入大多来源于北美,根据英航俱乐部的追踪,这里的少部分频繁飞来飞去的乘客构成了公司收入的大部分。
As is the case with trans fat labeling disclosure, most tea products do not contain ingredients derived from one of the eight major food allergen groups, and their labeling will not be impacted by the new requirements. 因为处于公开反式脂肪的情况,大多数茶叶产品不包含来自8种主要食品过敏源中成分,而且它们的标签将不会受到新要求的冲击。
As is the earthy, so also are those who are earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are those who are heavenly. 林前15:48那属土的怎样、凡属土的也就怎样.属天的怎样、凡属天的也就怎样。
As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 48那属土的怎样,凡属土的也就怎样。属天的怎样,凡属天的也就怎样。
As is the workman so is the work. 什么匠人出什么活儿.
As is true of all glass, foam-glass resists heat, does not burn, nor is it rotted by water. 象所有玻璃一样,泡沫玻璃抗热,不可燃,也不为水所腐蚀。
As is variously estimated, in Columbus' time the population of Indians increased from 1,400,000 to 4,000,000. 据各方面估计,在哥伦布时代印第安人口从1400万增至4000万。

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