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Armed with this knowledge, which we only learned after the show, did we finally understand why vignette after vignette of the two-hour NTDTV Spectacular extolled the virtues of practicing Falun Gong, cursed the demonic evils of the Communist Chinese gover

Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 一个探测队以这台新的探宝器为装备,进了山洞,以期找到掩藏的财宝。
Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes. 新婚夫妇找来合适的工具和材料,喜气洋洋地开始布置新房。
Armed with the sociological perspective and through lecture, audio-visual presentation, field observation, debate and tutorial, we shall not only introduce students to the major perspectives of Hong Kong studies but also enhance their sensitivity towards 本科主要学习目标,是提升学生观察社会现象的敏感度、掌握以社会学的多角度来分析香港社会具体问题之能力。
Armed with the word of God, and after 600 years of dormancy, the Assyrians once again set out to build an empire, not a military empire, but a religious empire founded on divine revelation and Christian brotherhood. 用上帝的话做武装,隐匿了600年以后,亚述人又一次建立了一个帝国,不是一个军事帝国,而是一个建立在神的启示和基督联谊的基础上的帝国。
Armed with these results we will be in a better position to protect cyclists in the future. 有了这些结果,我们将来就能处于更有利的位置去保护骑车人。
Armed with this knowledge, which we only learned after the show, did we finally understand why vignette after vignette of the two-hour NTDTV Spectacular extolled the virtues of practicing Falun Gong, cursed the demonic evils of the Communist Chinese gover 有了这层了解(我们是事后才知道的),我们才明白为什么两个小时晚会中,一个个节目都要赞美法轮功,而诅咒中国政府的“邪恶”,也就知道他们为什么要推崇“真,善,忍”,所谓法轮功的三大支柱。
Armenia and South Africa are on it for the third year in a row . 亚美尼亚和南非连续三年被列入清单。
Armenia and South Africa are on it for the third year in a row. 亚美尼亚和南非连续三年榜上有名了。
Armenia: Two white doves may be released to signify love and happiness. 亚美尼亚:人们放飞两只白鸽,以示爱情和幸福。
Armes,Roy.(1987).Third World Filmmaking and the West. Berkeley: University of California Press. 著(1987).廖金凤.陈儒修译.1996).第三世界电影与西方.台北:国家电影资影馆.
Armhole ruler. Used for lapel, elbow, skirt, slack, trouser, or anywhere a special contour is needed. 透明材质服装专业多功能曲线尺,可用于划各种弯位。内置刻线经久耐用。

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