Other than just simply cleansing the skin, this hydrotherapy tub assists in regulating body temperature, improving blood circulation and perspiration, stimulating muscles and breathing patterns as well as simply relaxing the body and mind.
除了清洁作用外,这个水疗浴缸有助于调节体温,促进血液及呼吸系统之循环,提高身体含氧量,以及舒缓身心压力。 |
Other than mercury all metals are solid.
除水银外,所有的金属都是固态。 |
Other than numb fingertips, which will likely take a month to return to normal, Giesbrecht said he feels fine.
吉斯布雷西特说,除了被冻僵的指尖可能需要一个月才能恢复之外,他感觉很好。 |
Other than paying attension to these areas during the operation, the author believes there are several points for the effective removal of cholesteatoma: 1) use of open or open-closed method for mastoidectomy; 2)incision made over some safe site on the ch
除了特别的注意这些部位外,开放腔或开放后再封闭的手术法,由外而内的将外耳道先行扩大以充分露出术野,大型胆脂瘤囊袋内容物先取出再予剥离,讲求颜面神经嵴削低的技巧,以及对小儿例的警戒心,术中出血的控制和照明的良好等,均为防止胆脂瘤残留的要诀。 |
Other than that we like CSI and other suspense drama stuff.
除了这个,我们还喜欢CSI和其他类似的悬疑片。 |
Other than that, Committee Member in the Executive Yuan Fu Li-Yeh and famous scholars like Xin Bin-Long, Wu-Zhong-Ji and Zhang Ching-Xi would present in this conference.
除此之外,「学而优则仕」的政务委员傅立叶、以及包括辛炳隆、吴忠吉、张清溪等著名学者都将在研讨会中担任引言或与谈的角色。 |
Other than that, we simply have to test the new validation behavior.
除了那些重复代码之外,我们还要另外测试新的校验行为。 |
Other than that,we were together the whole time.
除了那个时候,我们一直在一起。 |
Other than the 2-day conference in Shanghai where International and Professional speakers present their papers, delegates can now enjoy a special privilege package to attend the Post Conference Workshop with hands-on learning sessions conducted at Crown S
除了2天在上海举办的论坛会上有专业人士进行展示其科研成果外,与会代表还可以参加在海南皇冠滨海温泉酒店举办的实际操作培训。 |
Other than the defensive lapse in the final minutes, there are 2 questions I still can't get over with.
除了最后几分钟防守差劲外,我还有两个问题搞不明白。 |
Other than the participation of the society, the guidance by the government, the support from bank business, and the protection of suppliers, to propel the construction of information technology in middle or small size enterprises, enterprises themeselves
中小企业信息化的推进建设,除了整个社会的参与、政府的引导、银行的支持、应用服务商的保障等一系列措施外,企业本身更应当按照信息化的要求、精心规划、注重实效、选择机制、注重培训等方面来加强和重视企业自身的信息化建设。 |